News & Events


There is a new issue of the journal “Russia and the New Countries of Eurasia”

We offer to your attention a new  issue of the quarterly journal “Russia and the New Countries of Eurasia” (¹ 4, 2016).


Presentation of the anniversary issue of the yearbook “The Security and The Arms Control”

There was a presentation of the anniversary (30 years of publishing) issue of the yearbook “The Security and The Arms Control”. Head of the Center for International Security Chief Editor of the yearbook  Academician Alexey Arbatov led the presentation.


Anton Bredikhin took part in the meeting of the Byzantine Club

Scientific Researcher for the Center for Development and Modernization Studies Cand. of Science (History) Anton Bredikhin presented the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations  at the meeting of the Byzantine club in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.


The new issue of IMEMO journal “Pathways to Peace and Security” (no. 2(51), December 2016)

The new issue of IMEMO journal “Pathways to Peace and Security” (no. 2(51), December 2016) is out of print.


There was a press-conference in the Russian News Agency TASS

Alexander Dynkin took part in the press-conference dedicated to the results of work of the FASO Russia. On the meeting Director of the FASO Russia Mikhail Kotyukov spoke about the main results of the activity of the Agency during the year 2016 and about the plans for year 2017.


The IMEMO became a participant of the International Project of the EU Scientific Program “The Horizon - 2020”

The IMEMO became a participant of the International Project  “The socio-political consequences of the change of the climate in the Arctic” of the EU Scientific Program “The Horizon - 2020”. The coordinators from the Institute are: Deputy Director for Scientific Work Alexey Kuznetsov and Head of the Section for the Global Economic Problems Elena Nikitina.


Dr. Natalia Rogozhina and Cand. of Science Alexander Rogozhin reports at the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS

Dr. Natalia Rogozhina and Cand. of Science (Economics) Alexander Rogozhin made reports on the annual Scientific Inter-institutional Conference “South East Asia and South Pacific Region: the current problems of the development”.


There is a meeting of the Scientific Council

The conference "The strategic global prognosis 2035" (grant of RSSF No. 16-07-14022a) dedicated to the preparations for the publication of the long-term prognosis for global development was held in framework of the meeting of the Scientific Council.


There are reports on the inter-institutional scientific conference “Brexit and the problems of EU economy”

Deputy Director corresponding-member of RAS Alexey Kuznetsov, senior researcher for the Center for European Studies Vladimir Olenchenko and senior researcher for the Department of Science and Innovations Natalia Sheliubskaya made reports on the inter-institutional scientific conference “Brexit and the problems of EU economy”, which was held in the Institute of Europe of the RAS.


The International Conference “The world markets of oil and natural gas: the tightening of the competition”

Center for Energy Research of the IMEMO, Faculty of international energy business of Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas and Russian Gas Society are holding the international conference “The world markets of oil and natural gas: the tightening of the competition”. 


There is a meeting of the Expert Council of the Vnesheconombank

The regular meeting of the Expert Council of the Vnesheconombank on the topic: "The trends of the development of the world economy and the prospects of foreign economic activity of the Vnesheconombank" was held on December 13, 2016. The representatives of the Vnesheconombank Group, of the scientific and public organizations took part in the event.


Round table the group of scholars of Institute of Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies

Round table between the Center for Asia Pacific Studies staff and the group of scholars of Institute of Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) was held in IMEMO on December 12, 2016. 


Seminar “European Security under the avalanche of crises”

Discussion Forum “European Dialogues” had held its seminar “European Security under the avalanche of crises”.


There is a chapter in the collective monograph

The collective monograph «The Challenge of BRIC Multinationals» is published in the series of scientific researches «Progress in International Business Research» by the publishing house Emerald. Alexey Kuznetsov and Yuriy Kvashnin in co-authorship with the staff-members of the MGIMO Alexander Bulatov, Anna Maltseva and N. Senyuk wrote the chapter «The Russian Multinational Corporations: the empirical and the theoretical aspects».


Alexander Fedorovskiy is a guest of the program “International Review”

Head of the Section of the Asia-Pacific Region Problems Dr. Alexander Fedorovskiy took part in the program “International Review” with Evgeniy Primakov on the channel Russia-24.


The staff members of the CDMS made reports on the conference “The Oriental Studies and the Religious Studies thought”

The staff members of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies made reports on the conference “The Oriental Studies and the Religious Studies thought” which was held in the Library of Foreign Literature.


Conference “The conception of the smart specialization in the regional and the innovational policy

The Department of Science and Innovation of the IMEMO held the conference “The conception of the smartspecialization in the regional and the innovational policy”.


The session “The relations between The Russian Federation and The United Germany: from the partnership to the misunderstanding. What is next?” led by corresponding-member of RAS Alexey Kuznetsov

The session “The relations between The Russian Federation and The United Germany: from the partnership to the misunderstanding. What is next?” led by corresponding-member of RAS Alexey Kuznetsov was held in the MGIMO. The session was held in the framework of the X-th anniversary of Convention of the Russian Association of International Studies “25 years of Russian foreign policy”.


The report made in the framework of the Meeting of the Council of Ministers for External Affairs of the OSCE in Hamburg with the participation of the IMEMO

The ordinary report “The European security: the challenges at the community level” prepared by a network of think-tanks and academic institutions of the OSCE was presented in the framework of  the Meeting of the Council of  External Affairs Ministers of the OSCE.  It was  held in Hamburg on December 8, 2016. The IMEMO was one of the co-incorporators of the network and was fully engaged in the report preparations.


Pavel Timofeev won the contest in the nomination

The Organizing Committee of the Russian Association of International Studies summed up the results of the contest, which was dedicated to the X-th  anniversary of the RAIS Convention. Pavel Timofeev won the contest in the nomination "For the best scientific article of the young scientist".

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Institute News

On January 15, 2024, “Interfax” news agency published an article about the next IMEMO annual forecast “Russia and the World” for the current year 2025.



We present to your attention the fourth issue of the scientific network journal “Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal”. The issue has four sections – “Forecasting Studies”, “Development Trends and Risks”, “Dynamics of Social and Political Spaces” and “Global and Regional Security”.


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