«Shaping the Image of Russia in the World: Challenges, Methods, Prospects»
A conference «Shaping the Image of Russia in the World: Challenges, Methods, Prospects» was held in IMEMO.06/06/07
The roundtable «Endowment Funds: World Experience and New Russian Legislation»
The roundtable «Endowment Funds: World Experience and New Russian Legislation» was held in IMEMO.05/28/07
Presentation of the book «World Economy: Forecast for the Period through 2020»
Presentation of the book «World Economy: Forecast for the Period through 2020» (in russian), edited by Academician A.A. Dynkin, took place in the IMEMO.05/17/07
Presentation of the Russian edition of the WMDC report «Weapons of Terror. Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons»
Presentation of the Russian edition of the WMDC report «Weapons of Terror. Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons» took place in the IMEMO.02/14/07
Regular Theoretical Workshop
Regular Theoretical Workshop on Development problems. Supervisor – Dr. V. G. Khoros , head of the IMEMO Center for Development and Modernization Problems.01/24/07
Monthly Workshop of the Society of Financial Analysts and Forecasters
Monthly Workshop of the Society of Financial Analysts and Forecasters.01/24/07
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