Article by Stanislav Pritchin in CIRSD journal “Horisons”
The Belgrade Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) journal “Horisons” (No. 29, 2025) published an article by Stanislav Pritchin “Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Russia's Foreign Policy – Before and After the Ukraine Crisis”.01/31/25
No. 1, 2025 of the “MEMO Journal”
The next (No. 1, 2025) issue of the “MEMO Journal” opens with an article by V. Varnavskii on global trends in robotics. Articles by I. Denisov on legal support of China's foreign policy and I. Arsentieva on China’s Health Silk Road are devoted to the problems of China's development.01/26/25
Article by Stanislav Ivanov on the website of the "New Defense Order. Strategies“ magazine (No. 6 (89), 2024)
The website of the "New Defense Order. Strategies“ magazine (No. 6 (89), 2024) published an article ”The Middle East – the Threat of a Big Bang" by Stanislav Ivanov.01/15/25
The fourth issue of the journal “Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal” in 2024
We present to your attention the fourth issue of the scientific network journal “Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal”. The issue has four sections – “Forecasting Studies”, “Development Trends and Risks”, “Dynamics of Social and Political Spaces” and “Global and Regional Security”.01/10/25
Articles by IMEMO employees in the journal “Russia in Global Affairs” (No. 1, 2025)
The website of the journal “Russia in Global Affairs” (No. 1, 2025) published articles by IMEMO employees: Maria Pavlova – “From Just a Victim – to the Main Victim”; Dmitry Stefanovich – “The Multiple Dimensions of Technological Confrontation”; Konstantin Bogdanov – “Don't Greet across the Threshold”.01/08/25
Article by Gleb Makarevich on the ISSI website
On January 8, 2025, the website of the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) published an article by Gleb Makarevich “Fulfilling One's Desire to Strengthen Relations: Russia-Pakistan Cooperation after the 9th IGC”, dedicated to the prospects of Russian-Pakistani relations following the 9th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation.12/11/24
Article by Alexander Frolov in “Observer” magazine
The journal “Observer” (No. 6 for 2024) published an article by Alexander Frolov “The Houthis: Arabia's Fighting Force?”.12/10/24
Articles by IMEMO employees in the journal “Comparative Politics” (Vol. 15, No. 3 2024)
The journal “Comparative Politics” (Vol. 15, No. 3 2024) published articles by the Institute's employees.11/28/24
Article by employees of IMEMO Center of the Indo-Pacific Region on RIAC website
On November 28, 2024, the website of the Russian International Affairs Council published an article by Ekaterina Kosareva and Ivan Shchedrov of the Center of the Indo-Pacific Region on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in India.11/14/24
Article by Daria Moiseeva and Alexander Kulinich in the Journal “MGIMO Review of International Relations” (¹ 5, 2024)
The Journal “MGIMO Review of International Relations” (¹ 5, 2024) published an article by IMEMO employees.11/11/24
Articles by IMEMO employees in “The Journal of the New Economic Association” (No. 3, 2024)
“The Journal of the New Economic Association” (¹ 3, 2024) published the articles by Sergey Afontsev, Eduard Solovyev, Ivan Danilin and Elena Sidorova.11/07/24
Articles by IMEMO researchers in journal «Social Sciences and Contemporary World»
The latest issue of the journal «Social Sciences and Contemporary World» (No.4, 2024) contains three articles by IMEMO researchers under the heading «Modern interpretation of A. Bogdanov’s tektology».11/06/24
Article by Maxim Sigachev and Sergei Arteev (co-authored) on Arktos website
On November 6, 2024, the Arktos website published an article by Maxim Sigachev and Sergei Arteev (co-authored) “The US Election and the Post-Westphalian World”, devoted to the consideration of the discourses of civilizational development, civilizational identity and civilizational integralism on the example of the case of the presidential election in the United States.10/19/24
Signed in print No. 10, 2024 of the MEMO Journal
Signed in print No. 10, 2024 of the MEMO Journal. The issue opens with an article by A. Fedorovskiy on the development prospects of the Indo-Pacific region.10/03/24
Article by Martina Klinova and Olga Trofimova in the journal “Contemporary Europe”
The journal “Contemporary Europe” (¹ 4,2024) published an article by Martina Klinova and Olga Trofimova “France’s Development Assistance Strategy to African Countries”.10/01/24
Article by Konstantin Bogdanov, Boris Frumkin, and Irina Kobrinskaya in the journal “Russia in Global Affairs”
The English version of the journal “Russia in Global Affairs” published an article by Konstantin Bogdanov, Boris Frumkin, and Irina Kobrinskaya “A Race for the Global South or a Battle for the World Majority: Russia's Prospects”.09/27/24
Article by Alexander Krylov in the collection of articles “Armenia in the EAEU and the Greater Eurasian Partnership”
On September 27, 2024, a collection of articles in Russian and Armenian “Armenia in the EAEU and the Greater Eurasian Partnership” published by the Center for Russian Studies of the Faculty of International Relations of Yerevan State University and the National Research Institute of Communication Development of (Moscow) was released in Yerevan.09/26/24
Article by Ekaterina Labetskaya in the Proceedings of the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference (June 5-7, 2024)
In the collection of articles “BRICS Countries: Development Strategies and Mechanisms of Cooperation in a Changing World: Proceedings of the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference (June 5-7, 2024)” [Part 1] an article “Geography of Hybrid Warfare” by Ekaterina Labetskaya was published.09/11/24
Issue No. 9 for 2024 of the MEMO Journal is out of print
Issue No. 9 for 2024 of the MEMO Journal is out of print. The issue opens with an article by P. Topychkanov on India's influence on the formation of a multipolar nuclear order.09/03/24
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