Article by Nikolay Rabotyazhev in “Politeia” magazine
The third issue of “Politeia” magazine published an article by Nikolay Rabotyazhev, Cand. of Science (Politics), Lead Researcher of the Sector for Political Theory of IMEMÎ, entitled "Alternative for Germany": Between Conservatism and Right-Wing Populism”.09/22/22
International Scientific and Practical Conference at MGIMO MFA of Russia
Dina Malysheva made a report at an international scientific conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.09/21/22
Roundtable "Civilizational Transit and Postcoloniality (to the 70th anniversary of Alfred Sauvy's article "Three Worlds, One Planet")
On September 21, 2022 at the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Roundtable "Civilizational Transit and Postcoloniality (on the 70th anniversary of Alfred Sauvy's article "Three Worlds, One Planet")" was held.09/19/22
XVI International Forum "Partnership of the State, Business and Civil Society in Ensuring International Information Security”
On September 19, 2022 Natalia Romashkina, Head of the Group on Information Security Problems of IMEMO, took part in the XVI International Forum "Partnership of the State, Business and Civil Society in Ensuring International Information Security" and made a presentation "Formation of the International Legal Regime for Conflict Prevention in the Global Information Space: a New Format".09/19/22
Interview by Dina Malysheva for IA-CENTR.RU
On September 19, 2022 on the website of the Information and Analytical Center for the Study of Social and Political Processes in the Post-Soviet Space at Lomonosov Moscow State University was published an interview with Dina Malysheva, Head of the Sector for Central Asia of the Center for post-Soviet Studies, Dr. of Sciences (Politics), entitled "Will the expansion benefit the SCO?”09/19/22
Scientific seminar "Why does the European Union need transboundary carbon regulation?"
September 19, 2022 at 11:00 IMEMO Center for European Studies is holding a scientific seminar "Why does the European Union need transboundary carbon regulation?"09/15/22
Baltic Regional Investment Forum BRIEF'22
On September 15, 2022 Ivan Danilin, Head of the Department of science and innovation of IMEMO, made a presentation at the plenary session of the Baltic Regional Investment Forum BRIEF'22 in St. Petersburg on the problems of elaboration of a new strategy for innovation and economic development of Russia, including its regional dimension.09/15/22
V International Forum of Lawyers and Economists "Contemporary Economic Law Issues in Europe and Asia”
On September 15, 2022 Stanislav Zhukov, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of IMEMO, Corresponding Member, made a presentation "Russia-EU Climate Dialogue: Realities and Opportunities" at the scientific symposium "Legal Mechanisms of Russia and the EU Climate Policy" within the framework of the V International Forum of Lawyers and Economists "Contemporary Problems of Economic Law in Europe and Asia", organized by Kutafin University.09/15/22
Report by Dmitry Stefanovich "Current and Future Space-to-Earth Threats by States to Space Systems"
On September 15, 2022 Dmitry Stefanovich, Research Fellow at the Center for International Security of IMEMO, delivered a presentation on "Current and Future Space-to-Earth Threats by States to Space Systems" at the second session of the open-ended Working Group on Reducing space threats through the norms, rules and principles of responsible behavior, established by UNGA Resolution 76/231.09/14/22
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