A Youth Conference
Center for Energy Research of the IMEMO and the Faculty of the international energy business of the Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas held the Youth Conference on the topic: “Russia is in the process of restructuring of the global energy”.04/27/17
Alexander Dynkin took part in the VI Moscow conference on international security
President of the IMEMO Academician Alexander Dynkin took part in the VI Moscow conference on international security as a moderator of one of the plenary sessions:"The Asia-Pacific region: the balance of interests or violent confrontation?”, which was organized by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.04/26/17
Marina Strezhneva’s report is at a Scientific Council
Dr. Marina Strezhneva made a report “The European Union's foreign policy: the concepts, the methods and the instruments” on the meeting of the Scientific Council of the IMEMO.04/26/17
Alexander Krylov and Alexander Skakov are at the round-table conference “The 2017 elections in the Caucasus: the preliminary results”
Dr. Alexander Krylov and Leading Researcher for the Center Alexander Skakov took part in the round-table conference “The 2017 elections in the Caucasus: the preliminary results”.04/26/17
A scientific seminar of the Center for European Studies
In the Big Conference Hall of the IMEMO there will be held a regular scientific seminar of the Center for European Studies. Staff member of the Institute of Economics RAS Cand. of Science (Economics) N. Smorodinskaya will make a report “The organizational complexity of the economic environment: the phenomenon of global value chains”.04/25/17
Irina Semenko is at the meeting of the Scientific Council on the complex issues of ethnicity and inter-ethnic relations of the Presidium of RAS
There was the first meeting of the Scientific Council on the complex issues of ethnicity and inter-ethnic relations of the Presidium of RAS. Corresponding-member of RAS Irina Semenenko and Dr. Vladimir Pantin were included in the Council.04/25/17
Alexander Dynkin took part in a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Alexander Dynkin took part in a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.04/24/17
Seminar of the Council of young scientists and post-graduate students
There was a seminar of the Council of young scientists and post-graduate students. Scientific Secretary of the ILA RAS Cand of Science (History) Dmitriy Rozental made a report on the event.04/24/17
Contest for young scientists to participate in the international scientific and expert forum «Primakov Readings» 2017
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations and Primakov Center for Foreign Policy Cooperation open to accept applications from young scientists who can get the opportunity to visit the Forum and chat with leading experts, former and current government officials, representatives of the business sector.04/24/17
Presentation of the yearbook “The Year of the Planet. Vol. 2016 : the economy, the policy and the security”
The presentation of the information-analytical yearbook “The Year of the Planet. Vol. 2016 : the economy, the policy and the security” was held in the conference hall of the IMEMO. The publication includes materials on the most pressing international crises and the problems of the present.04/24/17
Round-table conference “The Elections-2017: the stagnation or the new prospects for the South Caucasus?”
Center for Post-Soviet Studies of the IMEMO held the round-table conference “The Elections-2017: the stagnation or the new prospects for the South Caucasus?”04/21/17
international scientific conference “The Big Middle East is in the global politics and economy”
The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of IMEMO invites young scholars under 39 years old –research fellows, university professors and postgraduate students to attend the International Scientific Conference «Greater Middle East in World Politics and Economy» on April 21, 2017.04/21/17
Vladimir Khoros took part in a scientific conference dedicated to the creative heritage of I.A. Dedkov
Head of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies Dr. Vladimir Khoros took part in the international scientific conference “Revolutionary upheavals and social projects of the 20th century in art, religious and socio-cultural understanding”.04/20/17
Presentation of the book «Preventing the Crisis of Nuclear Arms Control and Catastrophic Terrorism»
Presentation of the book "Preventing the Crisis of Nuclear Arms Control and Catastrophic Terrorism" contributed by IMEMO leading research fellows.04/20/17
There is a Yuriy Borko’s review on the monograph of the Department for European Political Studies
There was published the review by Leading Researcher for the Institute of Europe of the RAS Dr. Yuriy Borko on the monograph “The European Union is at the crossroads: the unsolved problems and the new challenges (political aspects)” of the Department for European Political Studies of the IMEMO.04/19/17
Meeting with delegation from the Ministry of Unification
Head of Sector of the Asia-Pacific Region Problems A. Fedorovskiy met with delegation from the Ministry of Unification. During the discussion, participants shared their views on the assessment of current state and prospects of Russian-South Korean relations.04/19/17
Round-table conference is at the office of “MK”
Alexey Davydov took part in the round-table conference on the topic “The prospects of Russian-US relations in the consequences of the escalation of the situation in Syria” which was held at the office of “MK”.04/19/17
An article by Stanislav Ivanov
The article about the constitutional reform in Turkey and its possible consequences by Leading Researcher for the Center for International Security Stanislav Ivanov was published on the informational website about the Kurds and Kurdistan RiaTaza.04/19/17
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