Lecture by Chief editor of the journal “World Economy and International Relations” Andrey Riabov
The Council of young scientists of the IMEMO announces a lecture by Chief editor of the journal “World Economy and International Relations” Andrey Riabov on the topic "The prospects of the post-Soviet space as a politico-geographical region of the world and the opportunities for Russian foreign policy".02/29/16
Seminar “Russia’s Economy and the Sanctions War”
Discussion Forum “European Dialogues” has the honor to invite you to participate in its seminar “Russia’s Economy and the Sanctions War”.02/26/16
New issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (vol. 60, No 3, 2016). Analyzes of the Agreement on Iran’s Nuclear energy program concluded in July of 2015 by the group of states “5+1” with Iran is core topic of this edition.02/19/16
Ivan Danilin took part in the Russian FASO round-table
Head of the Section of Innovation Policy of the IMEMO Ivan Danilintook part in the Russian FASO round-table "Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of Russia: Challenges, problems, instruments". The conference was held in the framework of XIII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum.02/11/16
Forum "Oil and Gas Dialogue" of IMEMO held the seminar "Climate and Energy" on February 11, 2016. Academician Natalya Ivanova led the seminar.02/04/16
The Business Breakfast
The Business Breakfast on the topic “The future world order and the Russia-US relations” was held in the United States Congress on February 4, 2016.02/01/16
IMEMO in the international rating of research centers of the Pennsylvania University
IMEMO has strengthened its position in the most authoritative annual rating of the leading analytical centers «The Global Go To Think Tank Index - 2015" published at the end of 2015.01/22/16
Dr. Kirill Kholodkovsky’s report on the scientific seminar
The regular meeting of the scientific and theoretical seminar CESR will be held on January 22, 2016. Chief Researcher of the IMEMO Dr. Kirill Kholodkovsky will make a report on the restructuring of Western European party system.01/21/16
New issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (vol. 60, No 2, 2016).01/15/16
New issue of the quarterly journal
We offer you the new IV (ÕXIX) issue of the quarterly journal "Russia and the new States of Eurasia".01/14/16
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