Article by Stanislav Pritchin on the RIAC website
On September 30, 2022 the website of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) published an article "Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: friendship not conflict" written by Stanislav Pritchin, Senior Researcher of the Sector for Central Asia of the Center for post-Soviet Studies, Cand. of Science (History).09/30/22
Seminar "Perspectives for Energy Relations between Russia and Europe”
On September 30, 2022 the IMEMO Forum “Global Energy Dialogue” held a seminar "Perspectives for Energy Relations between Russia and Europe".09/29/22
II Indology Conference "Dubyan Readings"
On September 28-30, 2022 at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies of the HSE University was held the II Indology Conference "Dubyan Readings".09/28/22
Round Table "Russian-Indian Cooperation in the Arctic: Interests and Opportunities
On September 28, 2022 the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) in cooperation with the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) and Northern Forum (NF), an international organization of northern regions, held a Roundtable “Russian-India Collaboration in the Arctic. Interests and Opportunities”.09/28/22
XIII International Conference of the International Life magazine
On September 28, 2022 Alexander Frolov, Lead Researcher of the Group on Peace and Conflict Studies at the Department of International Political Problems, Dr. of Sciences (Politics), spoke on the topic "From Conflict of Interest to Mutually Beneficial Cooperation" at the conference "Peculiarities of Modern Integration Processes in the Post-Soviet Space" (XIII International Conference of "International Life" magazine, Yalta, Republic of Crimea).09/27/22
Article by Gleb Makarevich and Ivan Shchedrov on the RIAC website
The RIAC website published an article by Junior Research Fellows of the Group on South Asia and Indian Ocean of the Center for Asia Pacific Studies at IMEMO Gleb Makarevich and Ivan Shchedrov "Why India is not China?", dedicated to a comparative analysis of the emergence of India and China as great powers.09/26/22
No. 2 of the “Russian Economic Barometer” for 2022
We present to your attention the 2nd issue of the "Russian Economic Barometer" quarterly bulletin for 2022. The analytical part of the issue contains an article by Sergey Aukutsionek and Oleg Zhukov "The 2021 surveys of industrial enterprises: results and forecasts". The monthly statistical series have been updated to February, and the quarterly series – up to the first quarter of 2022 inclusive.09/26/22
Interview with Dmitry Trenin for the journal “Russia in Global Affairs”
The journal “Russia in Global Affairs” has published on its website an interview with Lead Researcher of the Sector for Non-Proliferation and Arms Limitation of the Center for International Security at IMEMO Dmitry Trenin “Bring Back the Fear!”, prepared specifically for the program "International Review" on why it is important to return the feeling of fear to geopolitics.09/24/22
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