News & Events


A meeting with Park Ki Chan

Oleg Davydov led the meeting with the Minister-Councilor of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Moscow Park Ki Chan.


Andrey Volodin gave an interview to the journal International Affairs

The interview by Andrey Volodin was published on the website of the journal “International Affairs”.


Staff members of the IMEMO were trained at the Summer School - The European Regionalism and the foreign policy of the EU

Staff members of the IMEMO were trained at the Summer School “The European Regionalism and the foreign policy of the EU” organized by the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin in Ekaterinburg.


An article by Pavel Gudev and Igor Mishin is on the RIAC website

The article “The South China Sea: the second front of the US-China confrontation” by Pavel Gudev and Igor Mishin was published on the RIAC website.


A meeting of the Expert and Advisory board under the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Viktor Komarovsky took part in the meeting of the Expert and Advisory board under the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.


International seminar - The relations between Russia and the EU and the prospects of the cooperation on the issues of sustainable development

The international seminar “The relations between Russia and the EU and the prospects of the cooperation on the issues of sustainable development” was held as part of the work on the International Project Blue-Action, which took place in Potsdam. Mikhail Grigoryev and Anna Chetverikova took part in the event.


Natalia Romashkina was at the II International Cybersecurity Congress

Natalia Romashkina took part in the II International Cybersecurity Congress, ICC. The Congress was held in Moscow for the second time and has become one of the key events of the year in the field of cybersecurity.


Meeting of the Commission for the development of the social partnership and the coordination of actions of the parties of agreement

Elena Sadovaya took part in the meeting of the Working Group of the Commission for the development of the social partnership and the coordination of actions of the parties of agreement.


International scientific-practical conference at the Institute of Europe RAS

Marina Klinova took part in the work of the second international scientific-practical conference “Islam and Europe – will the migration challenge lead to the reformatting the continent?”, which was held at the Institute of Europe RAS.


Visit of the delegation of the Research Service for the National Assembly Secretariat of the South Korea

The delegation of the Group for Foreign Affairs and Security of the Department for the policy and the public administration of the Research Service for the National Assembly Secretariat of the South Korea visited the IMEMO. Senior Researcher for the Center for Asia Pacific Studies Kristina Voda took part in the meeting.


Scientific seminar of the Center for European Studies

There was held the scientific seminar of the Center for European Studies under the guidance of Yury Kvashnin. Vladimir Olenchenko made a report “The relations between the European Union and Belarus: the current state and the prospects” at the event.


Expert meeting in the framework of the trilateral project of Russia, India and the USA

The fourth expert meeting in the framework of the trilateral project of Russia, India and the USA, dedicated to the relations of the three states in the conditions of the transformation of the architecture of the modern world order and the system of international relations, was held on the basis of the Primakov Readings at the IMEMO.


Annual Presentation of the World Investment Report (UNCTAD)

Marina Klinova and Yakov Mirkin at the Annual Presentation of the World Investment Report (UNCTAD).


Roundtable conference with the Institute of European Studies of the CASS

The scientists of the Institute of European Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences headed by Director of the IES CASS visited the IMEMO. Deputy Director of the IMEMO Corresponding Member of RAS Irina Semenenko and Chief Researcher for the Center for Asia Pacific Studies Prof. Alexander Lomanov had a meeting with the delegation.


An international conference: The post-Soviet Space – the vectors of changes

The international conference “The post-Soviet Space – the vectors of changes” was held in the framework of the Primakov Readings at the IMEMO. 40 experts from Russia and the countries of Eurasia took part in the meeting. Director of the IMEMO Corresponding Member of RAS Dr. Feodor Voitolovsky addressed to the audience with the welcoming remarks.


Primakov Readings 2019

The International scientific expert forum “Primakov Readings 2019” was held in the year of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Yevgeny Primakov at the World Trade Center on June 10-11, 2019.


There was The Youth Section of the Primakov Readings 2019


Alexander Dynkin made a report at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019

Academician Alexander Dynkin made a report at the session “Technologies shaping the future” of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019.


An inter-institution conference

There was held the inter-institution conference “The results of the elections to the European Parliament in the year 2019”. The event was organized by the IMEMO together with the Institute of Europe of the RAS.


Scientific-practical forum: Russia in the XXI century: the global challenges, the risks and the solutions

Viktor Komarovsky made a report “The regulation of migration in Russia: the change of the priorities” in the framework of the scientific-practical forum “Russia in the XXI century: the global challenges, the risks and the solutions”, which was held at RAS.

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First news
Institute News

The next issue of the “MEMO Journal” (No. 2, 2025) is being prepared for printing. It opens with articles devoted to the topical issues of the modern world economy – structural shifts in the global production activities of multinational companies and price mechanisms of the digital economy.



The Belgrade Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) journal “Horisons” (No. 29, 2025) published an article by Stanislav Pritchin “Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Russia's Foreign Policy – Before and After the Ukraine Crisis”.


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