The Special Issue of IMEMO journal “Pathways to Peace and Security” – ¹ 1(54)
The Special Issue of IMEMO journal “Pathways to Peace and Security” – ¹ 1(54), 2018: “Humanitarian Challenges, Humanitarian Support and Human Protection in Armed Conflicts” – is out of print.07/30/18
Alexander Dynkin was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky
Alexander Dynkin was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky by the decree of The President of the Russian Federation for the merits in the development of science and for the many years of dedicated work.07/30/18
The contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (2018, vol. 62, no. 7).07/30/18
70th anniversary of Alexander Alexandrovich Dynkin
The staff members of the IMEMO congratulates President of the Institute Academician Alexander Dynkin on the 70th anniversary!07/26/18
Second meeting of the Working Group of the Scientific Coordination Council of the Russian Federation on the priorities of the strategy of scientific and technological development
The second meeting of the Working Group of the Scientific Coordination Council of the Russian Federation on the priorities of the strategy of scientific and technological development was held in the IMEMO. Academician Alexander Dynkin led the seminar.07/26/18
Àn article of Marina Strezhneva in European Review
Marina Strezhneva has published an article in interdisciplinary international journal European Review (Cambridge Core), focused on Europe and on economics, history and social science.07/24/18
Russia-America conference on the Arms Control
The Russia-America conference on the Arms Control was held in Moscow on July 24-25, 2018. Alexander Dynkin, Feodor Voitolovsky and Vyacheslav Trubnikov took part in the meeting on an expert basis.07/20/18
Stanislav Ivanov made a report at the international conference in Erevan
Stanislav Ivanov made a report “The problems of regional security in South Caucasus” at the international conference “Armenia and Russia: the realities, the challenges and the prospects” which was held in the capital city of the Republic of Armenia, Erevan.07/19/18
Alexandra Borisova took part in a round table conference at Moskovskij Komsomolets
Alexandra Borisova took part in the round table conference which was held at “Moskovskij Komsomolets” and was dedicated to the meeting of the Russian Federation President with the United States President in Helsinki.07/17/18
Ekaterina Stepanova publication in IPSP Report
Dr Ekaterina Stepanova has co-authored a chapter on "Violence, wars, peace, and security" in a 3-volume report "Rethinking Society for the 21st Century" published by Cambridge University Press (Vol. 2: Political Regulation, Governance and Societal Transformations, p. 411-456).07/11/18
Seminar of the Center for International Security under the direction of Academician Alexey Arbatov
The seminar of the Center for International Security led by Academician Alexey Arbatov was held in the IMEMO in the framework of the project supported by the Russian Science Foundation.07/10/18
There is a new issue of the journal: Russia and the New States of Eurasia
We kindly offer to your attention the new issue of the journal “Russia and the New States of Eurasia” (¹2, 2018). The key topics of the issue are: the major results of the development of Ukraine for the four years after the “Euromaidan”; the Poland-Ukraine relations; the processes of integration and the disintegration in the post-Soviet space; the EU influence in the Central Asia.07/09/18
Sergei Ignatev Took Part in the International Conference
Sergei Ignatev from the Center for Asia-Pacific studies at IMEMO participated in the “2018 International Conference: Building a Peaceful Korean Peninsula” was held in Seoul, July 9th.07/05/18
Natalia Romashkina took part in the International Cybersecurity Congress
Natalia Romashkina took part in the International Cybersecurity Congress which was held in Moscow. Representatives of the 51 states and more than 680 companies and organizations participated in the event.07/03/18
Strategic meeting of the National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» and the IMEMO
The strategic meeting in the framework of the implementation of the joint project of the National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» and the IMEMO in the interest of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was held in the conference-hall of the IMEMO on July 3, 2018.07/02/18
An article by A.Portanskiy in the International Economy magazin
The article “Trump has ruined the established rules and principles of the world economy” by A. Portanskiy was published in June issue of the magazine International Economy. The author analyzed consequences of protectionist measures of Trump administration in trade with China, the EU and Canada.06/27/18
A meeting of Academic Council
There was held a meeting of Academic Council of the IMEMO. The agenda included the report “Monetary policy and macroeconomic performance of the largest commodity-exporting countries using the example of Australia and Russia” made by Phd in Economics A. Polivach and organizational issues.06/25/18
The contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (2018, vol. 62, no. 6).06/15/18
A Roundtable at the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies of IMEMO
A round table between russian and chinese scholars was held in IMEMO on June 15th, 2018. IMEMO Vice President, Academician of RAS Vasily Mikheev and a Junior Research Fellow of IMEMO Sergey Ignatevattended the meeting.06/13/18
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