A meeting with the Heads of the Departments of the Institute of Strategic and Interregional Researches
Academician of RAS Gennady Chufrin and Head of the Section of the Center for Post-Soviet Studies Dr. Dina Malysheva held the meeting with the Heads of the Departments of the Institute of Strategic and Interregional Researches under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan S.A. Valijev and M.I. Bazarova.09/18/17
Round Table at Center for Asia-Pacific Studies
The round table on the topic "Beyond the six-party talks" was held in IMEMO on September, 18, 2017. Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Academician Mikheev V. was a moderator of the meeting.09/16/17
Sergei Lukonin is a guest of the program “Dom E” on the OTR channel
During the program “Dom E” on the OTR channel Head of the Sector for Economy and Politics of China of the Centre for Asia Pacific studies Cand. of Science (Economics) Sergei Lukonin answered all sorts of different questions. For example, there are: what the economic prospects of the relations between Russia and China are; what our benefit is? What is expected in the nearest future: the good partnership or the fierce competition?09/13/17
Academician Natalya Ivanova was awarded
According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin , first Deputy Director of the IMEMO Natalya Ivanova was awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for Country of II degree for her great contribution to the development of science, education and training of qualified specialists and many years of diligent work.09/13/17
A meeting of the Theoretical Seminar named after Academician V. Martynov
There was the regular meeting of the Theoretical Seminar named after Academician V. Martynov. The topic of the seminar was “The modern understanding of money and the proper conclusions” (The topic was formulated according to the main thesis of the M. Portnoy’s book “Money is in the national and the world economy”. Moscow, Publishing house “Magister”, 2017, p.493.)09/11/17
A meeting of the Scientific Council
There was the meeting of the Scientific Council of the IMEMO. The event was dedicated to the discussion of the project of the Provisions on the election of the Director of the Institute.09/10/17
Academician Alexey Arbatov took part in the program “Itogi nedeli” on the NTV channel
Academician Alexey Arbatov commented on the tense situation on the Korean Peninsula in the program "Itogi nedeli" on the NTV channel.09/07/17
Elena Kuzmina gave a lecture at the Library named after Fyodor Dostoevsky
Head of the Section of the Center of the Post-Soviet Studies Elena Kuzmina gave a lecture “The prospects of the EAEC development” at the RIAC City Breakfast at the Fyodor Dostoevsky Library.09/07/17
The article by Dmitry Malyshev
The article “The joint activity of Russian and Belarusian scientific organizations in the sphere of the development of the technology and the creation of the competitive products”, written by Leading Researcher of the Center of the Post-Soviet Studies Dmitry Malyshev, was published in the Information papers “The technology and the innovation in the partnership of the regions of the Union State as an impetus to the development of the Eurasian integration”.08/31/17
A meeting with the Extraordinary and the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain
There was the meeting of an acting head of the Director of the IMEMO Corresponding-member of RAS Feodor Voitolovsky and Deputy Director for Scientific Work Corresponding-member of RAS Alexey Kuznetsov with the Extraordinary and the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain Ignasio Ibaneso.08/31/17
A meeting of the vice-president of RAS Academician Leo Zeleniy with the representatives of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
The President of the IMEMO Academician Alexander Dynkin took part in the meeting of the representatives of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs with the vice-president of RAS Academician Leo Zeleniy.08/30/17
Publication of Dr. E.A. Stepanova in the collective monograph
Dr. Ekaterina Stepanova, Head of IMEMO's Peace and Conflict Studies Research Unit, has published a chapter on "Russia's Policy on Afghanistan" in the volume "The Central Asia - Afghanistan Relationship: From Soviet Intervention to the Silk Road Initiatives", ed. by Marlene Laruelle (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books / Rowman & Littlefield, 2017).08/30/17
An article by Ludmila Khudyakova
The article “The international cooperation in the development of the “green” financing” by Ludmila Khudyakova was published in the journal “Money and Credit” (Vol. 7, 2017).08/24/17
Feodor Basov took part in a round-table conference at the IA “Russia Today”
Scientific Researcher of the Department for European Political Studies Cand. of Science (Politics) Feodor Basov took part in the multimedia round-table conference on the topic “Germany is on the threshold of the elections: arrangement of political forces” which was held at the IA “Russia Today”.08/23/17
There is a network edition of an analytical report
There was a publication of a report made at the Summit of the European Council (June 28, 2016) and dedicated to the analysis of Global security strategy of the European Union called “The shared vision, a common approach: a strong Europe”. There were also published the reactions of the EU Member States on this document there.08/22/17
There was a dialogue meeting of the Russian and the Georgian experts
There was the regular meeting of the Russian and the Georgian experts held in the framework of the program “The promotion of the Georgian-Russian dialogue” in Batumi (Georgia) on August 22-23, 2017.08/21/17
The contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (2017, vol. 61, no. 8).08/21/17
Article by Dr. Dina Malysheva
In the second issue of the journal Contours of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law the article by Dr. of Science (Poilitics), Head of Sector of IMEMO D.B. Malysheva "Political transformation of Turkey in the context of the referendum on April 16" was published.08/16/17
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