The article by Dr. Nadezhda Arbatova
On the website of the international discussion club "Valdai" has published an article by the head of the Department for European Policy Studies Dr.Nadezhda Arbatova - "The new EU security strategy."06/27/16
The Russia-India expert seminar
The Russia-India expert seminar of the IMEMO and Observer Research Foundation, that is one of the leading “think tanks” of India, was held on June 27, 2016.06/26/16
Article by Ekaterina Stepanova in the Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society
The academic "Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society" (2016, ¹ 3): Religious fundamentalism), has published an article by Dr Ekaterina Stepanova, Head of IMEMO’s Peace and Conflict Studies Group: "Regionalization of violent jihadism and beyond: the case of Daesh".06/23/16
The expanded meeting of the Coordinating Council
The expanded meeting of the Coordinating Council on youth in scientific and educational fields under the Council on science and education under the President of the Russian Federation was held in IMEMO on the June 23, 2016.06/22/16
The meeting of the Scientific Council
Candidate of Science (Economics) Alexey Portanskiy made a report “Possible changes in the global trading system in connection with the crisis of WTO negotiations and the formation of megaregional trade agreements” on the meeting of the Scientific Council.06/21/16
International Scientific Conference
Kira Zueva, Marina Klinova, Pavel Timofeev participated in the International Scientific Conference "Russia-France: the 50th anniversary of the visit of President of France General Charles de Gaulle to the USSR (June 20 – July 1, 1966)" at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences RAS June 21, 2016.06/20/16
The international seminar “The restraint and the dialogue: strengthening of the European security and the arms control”
The international seminar “The restraint and the dialogue: strengthening of the European security and the arms control” will be held in the Conference-Hall of the IMEMO on June 20, 2016.06/17/16
Alexander Dynkin took part in the discussion
Director of the IMEMO Academician Alexander Dynkin took part in the discussion in the framework of the panel session "The formation of new sectors of the economy: the domestic market or the external expansion?" on the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on the June 17, 2016.06/16/16
SPIEF 2016
The panel session “"Big challenges" is an incentive for the development of science” was held on the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 16, 2016. Director of the IMEMO Academician Alexander Dynkin took part in the event.06/16/16
Doctor Marina Strezhneva and Junior Research Associate (IMEMO) Daria Rudenkova participated in The 8th Pan-European Conference on EU
The 8th Pan-European Conference on European Union was held in Italy. The event took place in the northern Italy, University of Trento.06/15/16
The meeting of the Theoretical Seminar named after Academician V. A. Martynov
The meeting of the Theoretical Seminar named after Academician V. A. Martynov will be held in the Conference-Hall of the IMEMO (the 3rd floor) at 11:00 on June 15, 2016.06/10/16
Presentation of the anniversary 65th Statistical Review of World Energy - 2016
Forum “Oil and Gas Dialogue” of the IMEMO held a presentation of the anniversary 65th Statistical Review of World Energy – 2016.06/10/16
New issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (vol. 60, No 7, 2016). In this issue we offer our readers analysis of important changes in Russia’s foreign policy in 2014–2015.06/10/16
Scientific seminar of the council of young scientists and postgraduate students
Scientific seminar of the council of young scientists and postgraduate students of the IMEMO was held in the small conference-hall (lecture hall 03-04) on Friday on June 10, 2016.06/09/16
Ivan Danilin took part in the International Forum of the technological development “Tehnoprom-2016”
Head of the Section of Innovation Policy of the IMEMO Ivan Danilin took part in the International Forum of the technological development “Tehnoprom-2016”, which was held on June 9-10, 2016 in Novosibirsk.06/08/16
The chapter “Environmental security in East Asia”
The chapter “Environmental security in East Asia”, written by the Lead Researcher of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies Doctor of Science (Politics) Natalia Rogozhina “Environmental security in East Asia”, was published on vietnam language in the collective monograph “ The ways of strengthening security and cooperation in East Asia”.06/07/16
Alexander Krylov participation in the Third Forum of Belarus and Russian regions
Alexander Krylov took part in the work of the 9th section “The development of cooperation between Belarus and Russia in the industrial field” of the Third Forum of Belarus and Russian regions, which was held on June 7-8, 2016 in Minsk.06/07/16
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