News & Events


Natalya Rogozhina and Alexander Rogozhin made reports at the Guber readings

Lead Researcher of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies Natalya Rogozhina and Head of the Sector for Socio-Economic Problems of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies Alexander Rogozhin made reports at the Guber readings, which were held in the Institute of Asian and African Studies of the Moscow State University.


Presentation of the Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2016

IMEMO launched the Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2016 ‘Armaments, Disarmament and International Security’ which included the Special Supplement compiled by IMEMO experts and guest contributors. 


An article by Alexander Gronskiy

The article “The Russian World is in search of the content” written by staff member of the Center for Post-soviet Studies Proff. Alexander Gronskiy was published in the special issue of the journal “Russia in the Global Politics” (September, 2017).


The international seminar «The issues of the international security in the context of the Russia-USA relations»

The seminar «The issues of the international security in the context of the Russia-USA relations» was held in the Conference-hall of the IMEMO. The seminar was opened by  President of the IMEMO Academician Alexander Dynkin.


A regular meeting of a scientific-theoretical seminar of CCSEPS

There was the regular meeting of the scientific-theoretical seminar  of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economics and Political Studies on the topic: “The peculiarity of the separatism in Western Europe of the XXI century”.


A contest for the award for the best researchers in the sphere of international relations

Elizaveta Gromoglasova won the contest of the XI RISA Convention “Dialectics of Empire: Revolution versus Continuity” in the nomination "The best scientific article of a young scientist". 


Irina Prokhorenko took part in a round-table conference

Irina Prokhorenko took part in a round-table conference on the topic “Is the referendum in Catalonia a challenge for Spain and the European Union?”. The event was organized at the IIA “Russia Today”. 


A.V. Kuznetsov, E.A. Sidorova and K.A. Gemuyeva took part in the 11th Russian International Studies Association Convention (RISA)

Deputy Director of Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Corresponding Member, Dr. of Science (Economics) A.V. Kuznetsov; Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor of MGIMO University E.A. Sidorova and Junior Research Fellow K.A. Gemuyeva were participants of the 11th Russian International Studies Association Convention (RISA) “Dialectics of the Empire: Revolution versus Continuity”, which took place in MGIMO University.


The contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»

We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (2017, vol. 61, no. 9). 


Marina Klinova has published the next theoretical article

Marina Klinova, the Leading Researcher of the Center for European Studies, Dr of Sc. (Economics) has published the next theoretical article of the cycle "A Sight through time: from the history of Interaction between the State and Entrepreneurship" in the journal "Economic Strategies" No. 5 (147).


Stanislav Ivanov took part in a round-table conference at the IIA Russia Today

Leading scientific researcher for the Center for the International Security Stanislav Ivanov took part in a round-table conference dedicated to the results of the referendum on the topic of Iraqi Kurdistan independence. 


Sergei Ignatev participated in the International conference

Junior Research Fellow of IMEMO Sergei Ignatev participated in the International conference «Open and Inclusive: Mutual Cultural Learning and "China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor" Construction Forum».


A lecture by Feodor Voitolovsky

Deputy Director of the IMEMO Corresponding-member of RAS Feodor Voitolovsky gave a lecture “The prospects for the development of the relations between Russia and the United States: a "hot peace" or a new "cold war”.


An article by Alexey Portanskiy

The analytical article “The new sanctions of the West and the prospects for the Russian economy” written by leading researcher of the Section for the Foreign Economic Policy Cand. of Science (Economics) Alexey Portanskiy was published at the RIAC website.


Dina Malysheva took part in an international round-table conference

Head of the Sector for Central Asia from the Center for Post-Soviet Studies Dina Malysheva made a report at the international round-table conference “The foreign political activity of Uzbekistan in the framework of the Strategy for Action”.  


Victor Komarovskiy made a report on an international scientific-practical conference

The III International scientific-practical Conference “The integration of migrants as a problem of the governance: the European and the Russian contexts” was held by Russian Council for International Affairs and the Russian Academy of National Eeconomy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.


A meeting with the candidate for the post of the Director of the Institute

The Electoral Commission on elections of the Director of the IMEMO reports that the meeting with a candidate for the post of Director of the Institute Deputy Director Feodor Voitolovsky will be held in the Conference Hall of Institute (3 floor) at 11.00 a.m. on September 20, 2017. 


The seminar «The future of the BRICS: a view from India»

The seminar «The future of the BRICS: a view from India» organized together with Center for North American Studies (CNAS) and the Center for International Security (CIS) was held in the IMEMO.


Alexander Gronskiy gave lectures at Saratov State University

The opening of the II Scientific-educational school “Russia and Belarus: the history and the culture in the past and at the present” was held in Saratov State University. Leading researcher of the Section for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine Alexander Gronskiy took part in the event and gave several lectures.

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First news
Institute News

The next issue of the “MEMO Journal” (No. 2, 2025) is being prepared for printing. It opens with articles devoted to the topical issues of the modern world economy – structural shifts in the global production activities of multinational companies and price mechanisms of the digital economy.



The Belgrade Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) journal “Horisons” (No. 29, 2025) published an article by Stanislav Pritchin “Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Russia's Foreign Policy – Before and After the Ukraine Crisis”.


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