News & Events


Northeast Asia Peace and Development Forum

On November 18, 2022 Sergey Lukonin, Head of the Sector of Economy and Politics of China at IMEMO, Cand. of Science (Economics), made a presentation online on "The New Security Situation in Northeast Asia" at the International Northeast Asia Peace and Development Forum, organized by Jilin University.


Article by Ivan Shchedrov on the RIAC website

The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) published on its website an article entitled "Smart Cities in India” by Ivan Schedrov, Junior Research Fellow of the Group on South Asia and Indian Ocean of the Center for Asia Pacific Studies, on the problems of urban development in India.


The 3rd issue of the journal “Russia and the New States of Eurasia”, 2022

The 3rd issue of the journal "Russia and the New States of Eurasia" for 2022 has been published. As before, the authors of the issue pay great attention to Ukraine. The researchers examine the results of the development of the Ukrainian economy for 8 years that have passed since Euromaidan (2014-2022) and analyze the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on modern international relations.


Webinar "Preventing Disaster: Putting Words into Action to Reduce the Nuclear Danger of Crisis Communications

On November 16, 2022, Dmitry Stefanovich, Research Fellow of the Center for International Security, participated in the Institute for Security and Technology (USA) webinar.


Presentation of the monograph "The Fundamentals of the Theory of International Relations: the Experience of the IMEMO in the 1970s”

On November 16, 2022 at 09:00 Moscow time in the press center of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin will take place the presentation of the monograph "The Fundamentals of the Theory of International Relations: the Experience of the IMEMO in the 1970s”.


Article by Gleb Makarevich on the RIAC website

The RIAC website published an article by Gleb Makarevich, Junior Research Fellow of the Group on South Asia and Indian Ocean of the Center for Asia Pacific Studies at IMEMO, entitled "Peculiarities of Non-Western Dances: What is behind the Perception of India as a Global Swing State", dedicated to the concept of a "swing power" and its reflection in Indian foreign policy.


Roundtable at the Institute of Contemporary International Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

On November 15, 2022, at the Institute of Contemporary International Studies (ICIS) of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia a Roundtable Discussion on the topic "Afghanistan in the System of the Emerging World Order" was held.


International Scientific and Practical Conference "30 Years of the Republic of Ingushetia: Historical Milestones and Development Prospects"

November 15, 2022 in the Chakh Akhriev Ingush Research Institute for the Humanities (Magas) opened the International Scientific and Practical Conference "30 Years of the Republic of Ingushetia: Historical Milestones and Development Prospects”.


International research conference «Ways and Countries: Civilizations of the East in Historical Dynamics»

Dr Serghei Golunov made a presentation on «Nonrecognized borders as a phenomenon of contemporary international relations: the case of Nagorno-Karabakh» at the international research conference «Ways and Countries: Civilizations of the East in Historical Dynamics», Yekaterinburg, Russia.


Natalia Romashkina's report at the RMCS Roundtable

On November 15, 2022 the Head of the Group of Information Security Problems of IMEMO, Cand. of Science (Politics) Natalia Romashkina made a presentation "Wartime Cyber Restraint: International Law, Norms, and Confidence Building Measures" at the periodic Roundtable on Military Cyber Stability (RMCS), which is held online by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in “Chatham House” mode.


No. 3 of the “Russian Economic Barometer” for 2022

We present to your attention the 3rd issue of the quarterly bulletin "Russian Economic Barometer" for 2022. The analytical part of the issue contains the article "Investment Behavior of Enterprises in 2021-2022" by Sergey Auktsionek. Monthly statistical series are updated to May, and quarterly series are updated to Q2 2022 inclusive.


The Basic Indicators of Development of the World Economy – a new issue

We bring to your attention a new issue of the annual electronic publication "The Basic Indicators of Development of the World Economy. World in 2021". The published data show that the world economy in 2021 grew by 6.0 %, significantly exceeding the pre-crisis level of 2019.



On November 11, 2022 Georgy Ivanovich Bekhter (George Blake), Senior Researcher of the Center for International Security at IMEMO, would have turned 100 years old. He left us on December 26, 2020, after a long life full of heroic and dramatic events, associated with active participation in the World War II and then work in British and, since 1951, Soviet intelligence.


Graphs based on surveys data from the Russian Economic Barometer

We bring to your attention a new electronic resource – REB Statistics (graphing according to the surveys of the "Russian Economic Barometer" journal). This is an interactive source, where the user can select different indicators and periods.


Moscow – Delhi Videoconference at “Rossiya Segodnya” Multimedia Press Center

On November 11, 2022 Cand. of Science (History) Alexey Kupriyanov, Head of the Group on South Asia and Indian Ocean of the Center for Asia Pacific Studies and Dr. of Science (History) Andrey Volodin, Chief Research Fellow of the Group of Regional Political Problems of the East and South of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies, took part in the Moscow – Delhi Videoconference at “Rossiya Segodnya” Multimedia Press Center on current issues of the Russian-Indian relations "Russian-Indian Relations: Current Agenda".


Georgy Mirsky Middle East Seminar

On November 11, 2022 Center for the Middle East Studies held its next Georgy Mirsky Middle East Seminar entitled "Is Transition to a Global World Order Possible?" Nikolay Kosolapov, Cand. of Science (History), Head of the Department of International Political Problems at IMEMO spoke at the seminar.


Seminar "Almost a Year at the Helm: Olaf Scholz and 'His' Germany”

On November 10, 2022 the Higher School of Economics hosted a seminar "Almost a Year at the Helm: Olaf Scholz and 'His' Germany”. At the seminar, experts from IMEMO and HSE University discussed the impact of external turbulence on the political and economic development trends in Germany after Olaf Scholz came to power.

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The Belgrade Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) journal “Horisons” (No. 29, 2025) published an article by Stanislav Pritchin “Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Russia's Foreign Policy – Before and After the Ukraine Crisis”.



On February 5, 2025, a Roundtable on the topic “Early Presidential Elections in Abkhazia: Dynamics of the Development of the Situation” was held at the Institute of CIS countries. The event was attended by Alexander Krylov where he spoke about the upcoming elections in Abkhazia in the context of the prospects of relations with Russia.


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