The Seminar “The Infrastructure of the European gas market: realities and perspectives”
The Forum “Oil and Gas Dialogue” of the IMEMO and the Russian Gas Society held the joint seminar “The Infrastructure of the European gas market: realities and perspectives” on October 14, 2016.10/13/16
Alexander Krylov took part in the First International Forum of The Eurasian Partnership
Leading Scientific Researcher in the Center for Political and Culturological analysis Dr. Alexander Krylov took part in the First International Forum of The Eurasian Partnership (IFEP) which was held in Erevan on October 13-16.10/12/16
International Conference “The limits of German leadership in Europe”
The Inter-institutional Conference “The limits of German leadership in Europe” was held in the IMEMO with the financial support of the FASO Russia.10/12/16
The content of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (Vol. 60, ¹ 10, 2016). The issue is opened by a set of articles devoted to topical issues of China’s domestic and foreign policies, including its place in the system of global finance, policies of in the field of military R&D, etc.10/10/16
The article « Russian Direct Investment as a Factor of Eurasian Integration»
The article «Russian Direct Investment as a Factor of Eurasian Integration» written by Deputy Director of the IMEMO, corresponding member of RAS Alexey Kuznetsov was published in the scientific journal «Problems of Economic Transition» (2016, vol. 58, Iss. 4) on October 10, 2016.10/10/16
Dr. Viktor Krasilschikov read a special course at the base chair of the IMEMO in the FEFU
Dr. Victor Krasilschikov read a special course at the base chair of the IMEMO created in the School of International and Regional Researches of the Far Eastern Federal University.10/10/16
Seminar “The Brexit Precedent and Russia’s Interests”
Discussion Forum “European Dialogues” has the honor to invite you to participate in its seminar “The Brexit Precedent and Russia’s Interests” The seminar will be held on October, 10, 2016 from 16.00 till 18.30 in the conference hall of IMEMO.10/09/16
Academician Alexander Dynkin on the TV channel Russia-Culture
New issue
We offer you a new issue of the quarterly journal "Russia and the new states of Eurasia" (¹ 3, 2016).10/03/16
The solemn Meeting of the Academic Council dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the IMEMO
The solemn Meeting of the Academic Council dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Institute was held in the Conference Hall of the IMEMO.09/29/16
Zaur Mamediyarov on the VII All-Russian scientific-practical Conference
Zaur Mamediyarov made a report on the Seventh All-Russian scientific-practical Conference “The principles and the mechanisms of formation of the national innovation system of the Russian Federation”.09/29/16
The presentation of the Russian edition of SIPRI Yearbook 2016
September 29, 2016. The presentation of the Russian edition of SIPRI Yearbook 2016, “Armaments, Disarmament and International Security”, including the Special Supplement compiled by the IMEMO took place. The English version of the Special Supplement was presented as a separate edition.09/28/16
The visit of the IMEMO and other Russian Scientific Centers stuff to the NATO and EEAS headquarters
The scientific researcher of the Group on peace and conflict studies Maxim Starchak with the colleagues from other Russian Scientific Centers visited the headquarters of the NATO and the European External Action Service.09/28/16
The International Seminar “Russia and the US in the Asia-Pacific”
On September 28, 2016 the international seminar “Russia and the US in the Asia-Pacific” was held in the Conference-Hall of the IMEMO.09/23/16
Cand of Sc. Viktoria Zhuravleva interview
The report made by Cand of Sc. Victoria Zhuravleva on the OTR channel: Biden warns Ukraine that the United States are tired resolving the “Ukrainian question”.09/22/16
The staff of the IMEMO at the International Conference on migration in the RIAC
Dr. Irina Tsapenko and Viktor Komarovskiy made reports on the II International Conference “The Migration crisis: the international cooperation and the national strategies”, organized by the RIAC and the RANEPA.09/21/16
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