Was published «Challenges to Security in Central Asia»
Was published «Challenges to Security in Central Asia».02/18/13
The monograph
Was published «The Climate Change: Causes, Forecasts, and Consequences for the World Economy».02/18/13
«Domestic Drivers of Russian Foreign Policy»
Discussion Forum «European Dialogues» (Director of Research programs Arbatova Nadezhda) has held its seminar on «Domestic Drivers of Russian Foreign Policy» under the general theme «Russia and EU: values and interests». Kirill Rogov, Senior Research Fellow at the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy; Andrei Ryabov, Editor-in-chief of the academic journal «World Economy and International Relations and Alexei Arbatov, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Head of the International Security Centre at IMEMO RAN have presented their views on fundamental trends in Russia’s domestic and foreign policies.02/07/13
Presentation on Forecast World Energy 2030
Forum «Oil and Gas Dialogue» holds a presentation on Forecast World Energy 2030, prepared by BP Group of Companies. Vladimir V. Drebentsov, Chief Economist for Russia and the CIS, BP plc, Vice President for External Affairs, BP Russia, spoke at the presentation at IMEMO RAN. The presentation was chaired by Academician Natalia I. Ivanova, First Deputy Director of IMEMO RAN.02/01/13
Was published SIPRI
Was published SIPRI Yearbook 2011 «Armaments, Disarmament and International Security» with the special supplement from IMEMO RAN.01/30/13
«Analysis of the socio-political and economic situation in Spain»
The Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Socio-Political Studies held a workshop within the framework of an on-going seminar dedicated to the analysis of methodological problems of political, social and cultural transformations in the contemporary world.01/24/13
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