Igor Khokhlov report on the OTR channel
Scientific Researcher of the IMEMO Cand. of Science (Politics) Igor Khokhlov took part in the talk-show “Prav?Da!” on the OTR channel.11/09/16
The Open International forum “25 years of CIS: the mutual understanding, the cooperation and the development”
The Open International forum “25 years of CIS: the mutual understanding, the cooperation and the development” was held in the World Trade Center in Moscow on November 9-10, 2016.11/09/16
The meeting between the Center for Asia Pacific Studies staff and the group of scholars of Xinjiang Normal University
The meeting between the Center for Asia Pacific Studies staff and the group of scholars of Xinjiang Normal University was held in IMEMO. Head of Section of the Asia-Pacific Region Problems Alexander Fedorovskiy and junior researcher of IMEMO Sergei Ignatev attended the meeting. The group of scholars of Xinjiang Normal University was headed by professor Wang Ashu.11/08/16
The analytical report
The analytical report of the Department for European Political Studies “The phenomenon of the right and left populism in EU countries” is presented in the column “The current trends of the European Union”.11/07/16
The regular meeting of the scientific-theoretical seminar
The regular meeting of the scientific-theoretical seminar of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies was held on November 7, 2016.11/07/16
Maxim Starchak won the 2nd prize in the analytics competition of the Polish Centre of support for international initiatives
Maxim Starchak, Research Fellow of the Group on peace and conflict studies of IMEMO won the 2nd prize in the analytics competition of the Polish Centre of support for international initiatives.11/01/16
US-Russia Inter-Academy seminar on terrorism and violent extremism
IMEMO held the US-Russia Inter-Academy seminar on terrorism and violent extremism co-organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the US National Academies on Sciences (NAS).10/31/16
IMEMO's articles in “Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy Policy”
Online “Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy Policy” was published by SPRINGER-Verlag. Two colleagues from IMEMO took part in it: N.N Pousenkova, Ph.D., Senior Research associate of Center for Energy Research, and E.A. Sidorova, Ph.D., Senior Research associate of Section for International and Monetary and Financial Relations.10/30/16
The content of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (Vol. 60, ¹ 11, 2016). The issue is opened by the materials devoted to the analysis of global forecast of the US National Intelligence Council and of the development of unconventional oil sector in the United States. Also, the readers may be interested by the article of Norwegian researcher of education T. Gulbrandsen “Elites and professionals”.10/30/16
The film “Eugeniy Primakov. I decided everything firmly”
The film “Eugeniy Primakov. I decided everything firmly” was presented on the Russia 1 channel on October 30, 2016.10/28/16
The General Meeting of RAS
During the General Meeting of RAS which was held on October 28, 2016, there was an election of new full members (academicians) and corresponding-members of the Russian Academy of Science. There were elected the following academicians: Vasily Mikheev and Gennady Chufrin, and the following corresponding-members of RAS: Sergey Afontsev, Feodor Voitolovsky, Rostislav Kapelyushnikov, Irina Semenenko, Petr Cherkasov.10/26/16
Dr. Alexander Krylov took part in the International Forum
Lead Researcher for Section for Political and Culturological analysis Dr. Alexander Krylov took part in the International Forum: “The Eurasian Economic Union-2016: The results of the work and the perspectives” which was held in Tsheliyabinsk on October 26, 2016.10/26/16
Sergey Afontsev took part in the work of the session “The world economy: the new globalization or the new protectionism?”
The session “The world economy: the new globalization or the new protectionism?” was held in the framework of the Discussion Club “Valdai” in Sochi on October 26, 2016.10/25/16
The XXI International Conference “The Baltic Forum”
The XXI International Conference “The Baltic Forum” was held in Jurmala on October 25, 2016. The event gathered a great number of politicians, scientists and entrepreneurs from all over the world.10/24/16
A report by Svetlana Zolina on the consultations of the Coordinators of Russia-OPEC Energy Dialogue
There was a report by Svetlana Zolina on the consultations of the Coordinators of Russia-OPEC Energy Dialogue (Minister of energy of the Russian Federation A. Novak and General Secretary of the OPEC M. Barkindo) on October 24, 2016.10/21/16
Victoria Zhuravleva – a guest of the program International Review
Cand. of Science (Politics) Victoriya Zhuravlyova took part in the program “International Review” on the channel Russia 24.10/20/16
Marina Khokhlova report on the V All-Russian Sociological Congress
Cand. of Science (History) Marina Khokhlova made a report (section 20, session 2) on the V All-Russian Sociological Congress “The sociology and the society: the social inequality and the social justice” on October 20, 2016. The Congress was held in Yekaterinburg on October 19-21, 2016.10/19/16
New issue of «Russian Economic Barometer»
We offer you a new issue of the quarterly periodical «Russian Economic Barometer» (¹2 (62), 2016).10/18/16
Speech of Marina Klinova at the Session of Expert Group in the Center for Strategic Research
Dr. of Sc. (Economics), Leading Scientific Researcher of the Center for European Studies Marina Klinova spoke at the Session of Expert Group “Improving Efficiency of Management of State Property", chaired by A.L. Kudrin in the Center For Strategic Research (CSR) on October 18, 2016.10/17/16
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