«China facing a crisis»
«China facing a crisis». Speaker – V. Gelbras, Dr. of Science (History), leading researcher from the sector «Russia and the new states of Eurasia».01/18/12
Meeting with American Students and Postgraduate Students Delegation from Johns Hopkins University
A.V. Kuznetsov, Head of the Centre for European Studies IMEMO RAS, Corresponding Member RAS, S.V. Utkin, Head of Sector for Policy Issues of European integration, PhD (Politics), and young researchers of the Institute, namely E.A. Sidorova, PhD (Economics), P.S. Sokolova, PhD (Politics), N.V. Toganova, PhD (Economics), have a meeting with a delegation of American students and graduate students specializing in European affairs from the University of Johns Hopkins (School of Advanced International Studies).01/17/12
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