All-Russian conference of the young scientists «The distant horizons of science»
The All-Russian conference of the young scientists “The distant horizons of science” was held in St. Petersburg on December 7-8, 2017. Acting Director of the IMEMO Corresponding Member of RAS Feodor Voitolovsky took part in the event.12/07/17
International seminar
The first of the three planned international seminars dedicated to the creation of scenarios of the Yamal development up to year 2040 in the context of the climate change in Arctic was held at the IMEMO on December 7-8, 2017.12/06/17
The contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (2017, vol. 61, no. 12).12/06/17
Presentation of the next issue of the journal «The outlines of the global transformations» from the list of the HAC
The presentation of the next issue of the journal “The outlines of the global transformations” (Corresponding Member of RAS Aleksey Kuznetsov is the chief editor) from the list of the HAC was held in the large conference hall of the IMEMO.12/06/17
The meeting of the Scientific Council
Corresponding Member of RAS Irina Semenenko made a report “The identity in the social sciences” at the meeting of the Scientific Council, which was held in the Great Conference Hall of the IMEMO.12/05/17
II Russia-India forum of the heads of the research centers
Corresponding Member of RAS Feodor Voitolovsky took part in the II Russia-India forum of the heads of the research centers, which was held in Delhi (India) on December 4-5, 2017.11/30/17
Mediterranean Dialogues «MED 2017»
Academician Alexander Dynkin took part in the Mediterranean Dialogues «MED 2017 – beyond shocks. The positive agenda», which were held in Rome on November 30 – December 2, 2017.11/30/17
International Conference «The new horizons of the partnership between Uzbekistan and Russia: the economy, the security, the humanitarian dialogue»
The International Conference "The new horizons of the partnership between Uzbekistan and Russia: the economy, the security, the humanitarian dialogue" was held in Tashkent at the branch of Moscow State University on November 30, 2017. Acting Director of the IMEMO Feodor Voitolovsky took part in the event.11/28/17
General meeting of the Russian International Affair Council on the 2017 year-end results
The general meeting of the Russian International Affair Council on the 2017 year-end results was held in the Reception House of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Russia. Corresponding Member of RAS Feodor Voitolovsky took part in the event.11/24/17
Annual Conference of Russian Political Science Association
The All-Russian Scientific Conference of Russian Political Science Association “The time of the great changes: the policy and the politics” was held in Moscow on November 24-25, 2017.11/22/17
The meeting of the Scientific Council
The meeting of the Scientific Council was held in the Conference Hall of the IMEMO. The agenda of the meeting is as follows: the approval of the Plan of the Scientific and Research Work of the IMEMO for the years 2018-2020 and other organizational matters.11/21/17
conference «The revolutions and the reforms in the history of world religions»
The VI scientific readings in commemoration of the Russian scientist, religion researcher, church historian and public figure of the Russian emigration Nikolay Zernov was held at M.I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature on November 21-22, 2017.11/20/17
International conference «Lack of Trust: Russia and the West after the Ukraine Conflict»
The international conference «Lack of Trust: Russia and the West after the Ukraine Conflict» was held at the IMEMO in the framework of the project «Trialog Deutschland-Polska-Rossija» on November 20-21, 2017.11/20/17
The dialogue in the name of the future: Russia and the world around a century late
The seventh science and education program “The dialogue in the name of the future: Russia and the world around a century later” was held in Moscow on October 15-21, 2017. Corresponding Member of RAS Feodor Voitolovsky took part in the conference.11/14/17
The contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (2017, vol. 61, no. 11).11/13/17
The staff members of the IMEMO took part in the round table conference in the MGIMO
The round table conference “The phenomenon of the modern Euro-skepticism: the origins, the prospects, the national differences” was held in the MGIMO. During the event there was a presentation of the new self-titled issue of the scientific journal “The counters of the global transformations: the politics, the economics and the law”, edited by the Deputy Director of the IMEMO Corresponding Member of RAS Alexey Kuznetsov.11/11/17
Economist of the Year Award
The authors of the medium-term program of the socio-economic development of Russia up to 2025 “The strategy of growth” were awarded the all-Russian higher public economic reward “The Economist of the Year” (in the nomination “For the practical contribution to the development of the national economy”).11/11/17
The was the Economist’s day
Academician Alexander Dynkin took part in the All-Russian Economic Forum, dedicated to the professional holiday Economist’s Day, which was held in the State Kremlin Palace.11/10/17
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