The 3rd Trilateral Conference on security challenges in Northeast Asia
The 3rd Trilateral Conference on security challenges in Northeast Asia was held in IMEMO on June 19-20, 2012. The meeting was organized jointly by the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Science (IMEMO), the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).06/18/12
«Statistical Review of World Energy BP – 2012»
«Statistical Review of World Energy BP – 2012», presentation. Speaker - Dr. Christof Ruehl, Chief Economist and Vice President of BP Group of Companies. Location - Conference hall IMEMO RAN.06/06/12
A round table on «Modern environmental and energy problems: local responses to global challenges»
The Council of Young Scientists of IMEMO held a round table on «Modern environmental and energy problems: local responses to global challenges». At the round table were discussed the problems of innovation potential of the energy sector, environmental and energy policies in Asia, the foreign policy aspects of access to energy resources and EU energy policy. In the discussion took part representatives of MGIMO and Russian Chamber of Commerce. The event was organized with the assistance of BP.06/06/12
The results of the presidential elections in France
A regular meeting of the Scientific-Theoretical Seminar on the Methodology of Analysis of Political, Social and Cultural Development of the Modern World takes place at the Center of Comparative Socio-Economic and Socio-Political Studies IMEMO RAN. Learn more06/05/12
The summit of Directors of Research Centers included in the Top 30 World Ranking
Alexander A. Dynkin, Director of IMEMO RAN, Academician, attended the summit of Directors of Research Centers included in the Top 30 World Ranking. The summit was devoted to foreign policy problems of the G-20 (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA).05/30/12
«Economy versus Politics in the EU: national party systems in the crisis period and reforms of EMU in 2010-2012»
A scientific seminar of the Center for European Studies «Actual problems of economic, social and political development of European countries» was held in the small conference hall IMEMO. Speaker – Elizaveta Gromoglasova, PhD (Political sciences), a leading researcher of the Center for Situational Analysis RAS, who made a report «Economy versus Politics in the EU: national party systems in the crisis period and reforms of EMU in 2010-2012».05/29/12
IMEMO RAN presented a book titled Russia and the Dilemmas of Nuclear Disarmament
IMEMO RAN presented a book titled Russia and the Dilemmas of Nuclear Disarmament, compiled in the framework of its joint project with the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Inc. and issued in the Russian (hardcopy) and English languages (electronic version only).05/16/12
The problems of nation-building in the contemporary world and the formation of a political nation in Russia
The international conference «Germany / EU – Russia: From Hydrocarbon Relations to a Modernization Partnership»
IMEMO RAN and the Europe’s largest foreign policy and security think-tank SWP (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik – German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin) held the international conference «Germany / EU – Russia: From Hydrocarbon Relations to a Modernization Partnership», supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.04/12/12
«The anniversary of the “Arab Spring»: the Middle East, OPEC and international energy markets»
«The anniversary of the “Arab Spring»: the Middle East, OPEC and international energy markets» seminar is held at IMEMO RAN as part of the forum «Oil and Gas Dialogue.»04/02/12
Group of experts from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Group of experts from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited IMEMO.03/29/12
The conference «European Nuclear Weapon States' Engagement in Strategic Arms Control» under the joint NTI-IMEMO project «Russia and Deep Nuclear Disarmament»
IMEMO RAN held the ninth conference (the first in 2012) titled «European Nuclear Weapon States' Engagement in Strategic Arms Control» under the joint NTI-IMEMO project «Russia and Deep Nuclear Disarmament».03/26/12
«Identity as a category of political science: a glossary of terms and concepts»
IMEMO RAN issues the first volume of a two-volume monograph «The political identity and identity politics» - «Identity as a category of political science: a glossary of terms and concepts» / Chief Editor I.S. Semenenko (Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2011, 208 pages).03/26/12
«Crisis in the European Union: Political aspects»
IMEMO Department of European Political Studies organized a case study seminar «Crisis in the European Union: Political aspects». Participants gave their estimates of the impact the crisis has had on home and foreign policy of EU member-states, on EU's common policies and institutions. Future prospects of European integration were also discussed.03/16/12
«The competitiveness of products of industrial enterprises in Russia. The results of polls presented by Russian Economic Barometer 2000-2011»
«The competitiveness of products of industrial enterprises in Russia. The results of polls presented by Russian Economic Barometer 2000-2011». Speaker - Andrey S. EGOROV, researcher from the Center for the Study of Transition Economics.03/14/12
International seminar «Development of Siberia and the Far East in the 21 st century and partnership with Japan. « Green growth » and efficient use of energy»
International seminar was held at IMEMO premises on March 14, 2012 to discuss prospects for Japanese engagement in economic development and modernisation of the Russian Far East and Siberia.03/12/12
The International Conference «Tactical Nuclear Weapons and the NATO-Russia Dialogue»
IMEMO RAN holds the International Conference «Tactical Nuclear Weapons and the NATO-Russia Dialogue». The conference is jointly organized by IMEMO RAN, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, University of Hamburg (Germany), British American Security Information Council, Arms Control Association and the Moscow office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.02/20/12
«Comparative Analysis of Subsidizing the Oil and Gas»
«Comparative Analysis of Subsidizing the Oil and Gas» seminar, by the Forum «Oil and Gas Dialogue» IMEMO RAN and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Welcoming remarks are made by Natalia I. Ivanova, Academician, and First Deputy Director of IMEMO RAN, Dr. (Economics); and Eugene Schwartz, Director of Environmental Policy of the World Wildlife Fund.02/13/12
««Arab Spring» and «Russian Winter»: Is There Any Similarity?»
Discussion Forum «European Dialogues» (Director of Research programs Arbatova Nadezhda) has held its sixth seminar ««Arab Spring» and «Russian Winter»: Is There Any Similarity?»02/03/12
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