New report on Russian transnational corporations is released on June 23, 2011 at IMEMO RAN, prepared as part of the international study program of TNCs in developing and post-socialist countries.06/22/11
«The volatility in world oil prices - a threat to the budget process»
«The volatility in world oil prices - a threat to the budget process». Seminar takes place at IMEMO RAN as part of the Forum «Oil and Gas dialogue».06/08/11
Meeting of scientific and theoretical seminar
Regular meeting of scientific and theoretical seminar took place at the CENTER for COMPARATIVE SOCIO-ECONOMIC and SOCIO-POLITICAL STUDIES IMEMO RAS with the focus on methodology for analysis of political, social and cultural development of the modern world.06/06/11
Presentation of an innovative review on Russian Federation
Presentation of an innovative review on Russian Federation takes place at IMEMO RAS. This review was created following the methods of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).05/25/11
A press-conference «The events in the Middle East and their impact on world politics»
RIA Novosti hosts a press-conference «The events in the Middle East and their impact on world politics», as a follow-up to the deliverables of Center for Situational Analysis at the Department for Global Issues and International Relations RAS. It is attended by E.M. Primakov, Full Member of RAS, Alexander A. Dynkin, Full Member of RAS, director of IMEMO, and V.I. Trubnikov, Member of IMEMO directorate. Press conference gets wide media coverage.05/24/11
Sixth international conference takes place at IMEMO RAS as part of the project «Russia and the deep nuclear disarmament»
Sixth international conference (the third - in 2011) takes place at IMEMO RAS as part of the project «Russia and the deep nuclear disarmament», implemented jointly with the Fund «Nuclear Threat Initiative, Inc. – NTI» with the participation of Sam Nunn, Senator, Head of the Fund.04/28/11
Meeting on traditional Schlangenbad Talks
IMEMO in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundation hosts the 14th meeting on traditional Schlangenbad Talks under the motto «Back to reality: Russia, the West and the need to consolidate long-term relationships.»04/18/11
The conference «Prospects for the Transformation of Nuclear Deterrence»
IMEMO RAN held the fifth conference titled «Prospects for the Transformation of Nuclear Deterrence» under the joint NTI-IMEMO project «Russia and Deep Nuclear Disarmament». The participants in the discussion raised a wide range of problems related to strengthening strategic stability and security.04/13/11
«Crisis of negotiations of Doha-round WTO»
«Crisis of negotiations of Doha-round WTO». Professor of the chair of trade politics NIU - High School of Economics A.Portansky.04/13/11
55 anniversary celebration of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS
55 anniversary celebration of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS.04/07/11
Presentation of the Russian edition of SIPRI Yearbook 2009
Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS holds a presentation of the Russian edition of SIPRI Yearbook 2009 (Armament, Disarmament and International Security), created jointly by SIPRI and IMEMO RAS with the assistance of the Federal Ministry of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports of Switzerland.04/04/11
A scientific conference «The World in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for Russia»
«The World in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for Russia» scientific conference is held at IMEMO RAN dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N. Inozemtsev, Member of the Academy of Sciences.03/30/11
«Political identity and policy of identity»
«Political identity and policy of identity». Deputy head of sector of The Center for comparative social-economic and social-political researches, Dr. of Science (Politic) I. Semenenko.03/11/11
«The financial problems the U.S. and their impact on global processes in the monetary sphere»
Situational analysis on the subject: «The financial problems the U.S. and their impact on global processes in the monetary sphere» was held at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS in March 11, 2011.03/02/11
Meeting of scientific and theoretical seminar
Second meeting of the scientific and theoretical seminar on the problems of methodology for the analysis of political and socio-cultural development of the modern world is held at the Center of comparative socio-economic and socio-political research at IMEMO RAS. «Political and psychological changes in Russian society: how and what we can measure» report was delivered by Elena B. Shestopal, Department Chair of Sociology and Psychology of Political Studies at the Department of Political Science at Moscow State University, Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Professor. Elena B. Shestopal - a prominent Russian sociologist who specializes in political psychology, the author of works on psychology of political leadership, the authorities and their perception in the public consciousness which received widespread recognition in the scientific, expert and political communities. The report was followed by a discussion.02/25/11
A round table on «Prospects and Challenges of Modernization Partnership»
«Prospects and Challenges of Modernization Partnership» round table discussion is organized by the Division for European Political Studies in cooperation with the leadership from European Movement International. The EMI Delegation included Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb, Vice-President, and Diogo Pinto, Secretary General. The round table was also attended by researchers from the Center for European Studies IMEMO, Department of International Political Studies and the Division for Modern Theories of Market Economy.02/17/11
A seminar-round table discussion on «Developments in North Africa and Middle East: origins and consequences»
Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN), convened a seminar-round table discussion on «Developments in North Africa and Middle East: origins and consequences».02/14/11
II meeting of the Kazakh-Russian Expert Council (KRES)
II meeting of the Kazakh-Russian Expert Council (KRES) on «Economic and political cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia (1991-2011): Status and Prospects» was held at IMEMO.02/11/11
«US-Russian relations: economy and security»
«US-Russian relations: economy and security». Speakers included the representatives from U.S. Embassy in Russia: Amy Westling, - Deputy Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs, Howard Solomon –Deputy Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs.02/09/11
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