Roundtable "Results of Russia's Chairmanship in the Arctic Council and the Future of Cooperation in the Region”
On May 15, 2023 Nikita Belukhin, Junior Research Fellow of the Department for European Policy Studies of IMEMO participated in the Roundtable "Results of Russia's Chairmanship in the Arctic Council and the Future of Cooperation in the Region" in the press center of MIA "Russia Today". The discussion was dedicated to the prospects of cooperation in the Arctic Council after Norway takes over the chairmanship of the organization on May 11, 2023.05/02/23
Article by Maria Pavlova on the RIAC website
The RIAC website published an article by Maria Pavlova "Do You Remember – the Bell of the Russian School in Poland Rang?" about the situation around the Russian school in Poland.04/24/23
Article by Nikita Belukhin on the RIAC website
On April 24, 202, the website of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) published an article by Nikita Belukhin, Junior Research Fellow of the Department for European Political Studies, "Norway Prepares to Chair the Arctic Council".04/17/23
Seminar "EU and the US: Partnership Dilemmas"
The Department for European Political Studies of IMEMO opens the Discussion Forum "European Union in a Polycentric World" with a seminar "EU and the US: Partnership Dilemmas".04/04/23
Article by Nikita Belukhin on the RIAC website
On April 4, 2023 the website of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) published an article by Nikita Belukhin, Junior Research Fellow of the Department of European Political Studies, "Copenhagen Loses Time and Patience" about the difficulties in developing a new Danish Arctic strategy.03/24/23
Scientific Conference "Modern Chinese State"
On March 24, 2023 Maria Pavlova, Research Fellow of the Sector for Political Aspects of European Integration of the Department for European Political Studies at IMEMO, made a presentation "China's Foreign Policy in the Perception of the Baltic States" at the Annual All-Russian Scientific Conference "Modern Chinese State", organized by the Center for Political Research and Forecasts of ICSA RAS and the China Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.03/09/23
Maria Pavlova's article on the RIAC website
On March 9, 2023 on the website of Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) was published an article by Maria Pavlova, Research Fellow of the Sector for Political Aspects of European Integration of the Department for European Political Studies, Cand. of Science (History), “Here the Master will Come": About Some Results of Joe Biden's Visit to Warsaw”.03/06/23
Report "Communication Regimes of Neighboring Countries – 2022"
The full text of the report "Communication Regimes of Neighboring Countries – 2022" is published on the website of the National Research Institute for Development of Communications. Maria Pavlova, Research Fellow of the Department for European Political Studies took part in its preparation as an expert.02/03/23
Scientific Conference “Russia and the World: Competition and Cooperation in the Arctic”
The Scientific Conference "Russia and the World: Competition and Cooperation in the Arctic" was held in a mixed format at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences on February 3, 2023.01/25/23
Conference at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
On January 25, 2023 Maria Pavlova, Research Fellow of the Sector for Political Aspects of European Integration of the Department for European Political Studies, Cand. of Science (History), made a presentation "The Image of Vilnius as a Border City in Polish and Lithuanian Tradition (on the Example of Laimonas Briedis' book "Vilnius. City of Strangers". Moscow, 2021)".01/19/23
Maria Khorolskaya took part in the Roundtable at the Institute for International Studies of MGIMO University
On January 19, 2023 a Roundtable Discussion on the state of Russian-German relations under Chancellor Olaf Scholz was held at MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.01/18/23
Article by Maria Khorolskaya on the RIAC website
On January 18, 2023 the RIAC website published an article by Maria Khorolskaya, Cand. of Science (Politics), Research Fellow of the Department for European Political Studies at IMEMO, entitled "New Defense Minister and Old Problems," about the resignation of Christine Lambrecht and the appointment of Boris Pistorius.12/14/22
International Expert Discussion at NIIRK
On December 14, 2022 Maria Pavlova took part in the International Expert Discussion "Communication Regimes of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia" at the National Communications Development Research Institution (NIIRK).12/05/22
Article by Maria Khorolskaya in the book published by Routledge publishing house
On December 5, 2022 the online presentation of the book "Image, History and Memory. Central and Eastern Europe in a Comparative Perspective" (ed. Michał Haake, Piotr Juszkiewicz. NY: Routledge, 2022. 272 p.), which includes an article "The Everyday in the GDR in Individual, Cultural and Political Memory" by Maria Khorolskaya, Cand. of Science (Politics), Research Fellow of the Department for European Political Studies, was held.11/25/22
Article by Nikita Belukhin on the RIAC website
On November 25, 2022 the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) published an article by Nikita Belukhin, Junior Research Fellow of the Department for European Political Studies, "Cold Diplomacy of Northern Europe and China," which deals with the economic and political ties between Northern Europe and China and assesses the readiness of its countries to support steps to contain China and limit contacts with it.11/22/22
International Conference "Reconciliation and (Non)Reconciliation: Diverse Experiences of Conflict Resolution”
On November 22, 2022 the Department for European Political Studies at IMEMO will hold the conference "Reconciliation and (Non)Reconciliation: Diverse Experiences of Conflict Resolution".10/04/22
Article by Nikita Belukhin on the RIAC website
On October 4, 2022 the website of the Russian International Affairs Council published an article by Nikita Belukhin, Junior Research Fellow of the Department for European Political Studies at IMEMO, entitled "The Danish Commonwealth in the Sight of the Great Powers", dedicated to the paradiplomacy of Greenland and the Faroe Islands and the relations of these autonomous territories with Denmark.09/21/22
Roundtable "Civilizational Transit and Postcoloniality (to the 70th anniversary of Alfred Sauvy's article "Three Worlds, One Planet")
On September 21, 2022 at the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Roundtable "Civilizational Transit and Postcoloniality (on the 70th anniversary of Alfred Sauvy's article "Three Worlds, One Planet")" was held.09/07/22
Article by Nikita Belukhin on the RIAC website
On September 7, 2022 the website of the Russian International Affairs Council published an article by Nikita Belukhin "No More ‘Fish Place’? The Future of Russian-Faroese relations in question", dedicated to trade relations and fisheries cooperation between Russia and the Faroe Islands.08/22/22
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