19th International Scientific and Practical Conference “The current problems of the world economy and finances”
Alexey Zenkov made a report “Russian education in the light of the new economic reality: the challenges and the development prospects” at the The 19th International Scientific and Practical Conference “The current problems of the world economy and finances” which was held at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations (Moscow).04/29/22
International Youth Scientific Conference “Modern Energy Crisis: Economic, Technological and Environmental Risks”
On April 29, 2022 the IMEMO Center for Energy Studies and the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) Faculty for International Energy Business organize the international youth scientific conference "Modern energy crisis: economic, technological and ecological risks" in a hybrid format.04/28/22
The V All-Russian scientific and practical conference “The positive experience of the regulation of the ethno-social and ethno-cultural processes in the regions of the Russian Federation”
Irina Semenenko made a report on the experience of mapping of the ethno-political conflicts and on its potential for social prognostics at a plenary session of the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference “The positive experience of the regulation of the ethno-social and ethno-cultural processes in the regions of the Russian Federation”.04/27/22
Raisina Dialogue 2022
Feodor Voitolovsky, IMEMO Director, spoke at a session on the impact of the situation in Ukraine on relations between the BRICS countries during the Raisin Dialogue expert policy forum, organized by the Indian think tank Observer Research Foundation.04/27/22
International roundtable conference dedicated to the analysis of the Second Karabakh War
Alexey Krivopalov made a plenary report “The operational and strategic analysis of the Second Karabakh War” on the international roundtable conference dedicated to the analysis of the Second Karabakh War.04/27/22
On Russia’s Fulfillment of Obligations under the Convention on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (IMEMO Analytical Report)
On Russia’s Fulfillment of Obligations under the Convention on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (IMEMO Analytical Report). In connection with Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, a number of American and European experts and officials have repeatedly expressed concerns that the Russian armed forces could hypothetically or even intentionally use chemical weapons. IMEMO specialists decided to analyze the dynamics of Russia’s fulfillment of obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and determine what real grounds American and European experts, and even more so officials, could have for such serious accusations and suspicions.04/27/22
Scientific conference “The political consequences of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Europe”
The scientific conference “The political consequences of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Europe” was held at the Russian State University for the Humanities. The experts from IMEMO took part in the meeting and made reports.04/27/22
Round Table “Presidential Elections 2022 in France: Results and Future Prospects”
Marina Klinova, Arina Preobrazhenskaya, Olga Trofimova, Elena Tchernoutsan made presentations at the Round Table “Presidential Elections 2022 in France: Results and Future Prospects” at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences.04/26/22
Natalia Romashkina made a report at a roundtable conference of the MIT
Natalia Romashkina made a report “The Global Threats of Cyber Attacks on State Critical Infrastructure and of the Information and Psychological Influence in the Times of Crisis” at the regular Roundtable on Military Cyber Stability (RMCS)) “Strategic and Military Competition in the Context of the Globalization Interdependence”.04/25/22
On Russia’s Fulfillment of Obligations under the Convention on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (IMEMO Analytical Report)
On Russia’s Fulfillment of Obligations under the Convention on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (IMEMO Analytical Report). In connection with Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, a number of American and European experts and officials have repeatedly expressed concerns that the Russian armed forces could hypothetically or even intentionally use chemical weapons. IMEMO specialists decided to analyze the dynamics of Russia’s fulfillment of obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and determine what real grounds American and European experts, and even more so officials, could have for such serious accusations and suspicions.04/25/22
Middle East Seminar n.a. G.I. Mirsky
The Center for the Middle East Studies of the IMEMO held this years’s first Middle East Seminar n.a. G.I. Mirsky on the topic “The new trends in the development of the Islamic Republic of Iran: the economic and the political aspects”.04/22/22
Article by Gleb Makarevich on the RIAC website
The article “The game went wrong: the political crisis in Pakistan and its consequences for Russia” by Junior Research Fellow for the Group on South Asia and Indian Ocean of the Center for Asia Pacific Studies of the IMEMO Gleb Makarevich was published on the website of the Russian International Affairs Council on April 22, 2022.04/22/22
Presentation of the monograph “The fundamentals of the theory of the international relations: the experience of the IMEMO in the 1970s”
The presentation of the monograph “The Fundamentals of the Theory of the International Relations: the experience of the IMEMO in the 1970s” was held in the Conference hall of the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the RAS at 13:00 on April 22, 2022.04/21/22
International Conference for Young Researchers «Theories and Methods in International Relations»
On the April 21-22, 2022, the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), Moscow, hosted the international conference of young scientists «Theories and Methods in International Relations».04/20/22
Feodor Voitolovsky made a comment for the VCIOM
Director of the IMEMO Feodor Voitolovsky made a comment on the correlation between the Russian public opinion’s perception of the US and the dynamics of the Russia-America relations for the VCIOM.04/20/22
Lomonosov Readings 2022
The Annual Scientific Conference “Lomonosov Readings” on the topic “The Science and the Art of the Economic Policy in the conditions of crisis” was held at the MSU Faculty of Economics on April 20, 2022.04/20/22
Meeting of the scientific-theoretical seminar of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies
The regular meeting of the scientific-theoretical seminar of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies was held in the Conference Hall n.a. Academician N. Inozemtsev on April 20, 2022. It was held in the hybrid format.04/20/22
Meeting with Minister-counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Ekaterina Stepanova met with Lim Hyong Tae, minister-counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea. The meeting was focused on the situation in and around Afghanistan.04/19/22
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