There was a regular meeting of the scientific-theoretical seminar of CCSEPS
The regular meeting of the scientific-theoretical seminar of CCSEPS was held in the small conference-hall of the IMEMO. The topic of the meeting was: “Modern political cycle in Russia. What we should anticipate?”03/01/17
Inter-institutional Round table “Presidential elections in France-2017”
The Inter-institutional round-table conference “The Presidential elections in France-2017” was held in the small conference-hall of the IMEMO. Deputy Director of the Institute Alexey Kuznetsov led the seminar.03/01/17
Elena Kuzmina took part in the round table conference at the International Information Agency “Rossiya Segodnya”
Head of the Section for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine Cand. of Science (Politics) Elena Kuzmina took part in the round table conference on the topic “The prospects of the development of the cooperation between Russia and the Countries of Central Asia: economy, security and humanitarian sphere”.02/28/17
There is a new material in the special column “Africa: the comments of the experts”
We offer to you the new material «General Elections 2016 in Ghana – “African stronghold of democracy": the change of leadership», published in the special column “Africa: the experts comments ”.02/28/17
A round-table conference on the Russia-USA relations was held in the State Duma
The Committee on International Affairs held the round-table conference on the topic “US–Russia relations: the realities and the prospects”. The President of the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAN, Academician Alexander Dynkin took part in the discussion.02/27/17
There was the International symposium on the global security problems
In Moscow, the International symposium on the global security problems was arranged by the Russian Pugwash Committee and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.02/27/17
There was an open master class of the Center for Energy Researches
The Center for Energy Researches of the IMEMO gave the open master class to the students, masters and postgraduate students of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.02/21/17
Elena Kuzmina took part in an international conference
The head of the Sector of Post-Soviet Researches, Cand. of Science (Politics) Elena Kuzmina took part in the international conference «Russia–Kyrgyzstan: the partnership, aimed towards the future. The security, the economics and the humanitarian cooperation», which was held in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan).02/21/17
Joint seminar “The oil sector in Russia: the characteristics of development and the prospects”
The Union of Oil & Gas Producers of Russia and the Forum «Oil and Gas Dialogue» of the IMEMO held the joint seminar «The oil sector in Russia: the characteristics of development and the prospects».02/20/17
There was the second expert meeting on the migration strategy of Russia
The second expert meeting dedicated to the elaboration of the Russia’s migration strategy was held in the framework of the joint project of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Center for Strategic Research at the RIAC. Viktor Komarovskiy, Cand. of Science (History) took part in the discussion of the project final report.02/07/17
Presentation of the Energy Outlook 2035 (BP Energy Outlook)
The Forum «Oil and Gas Dialogue» made the presentation of the IMEMO Energy Outlook 2035 (The BP Energy Outlook), prepared by BP. The report «The Energy Outlook to 2035» was delivered by Spencer Dale, the chief economist of BP Group.02/03/17
Report by E. Kanaev at International Conference
On February 3, Evgeny Kanaev, the leading researcher of the Center for Asia Pacific Studies (CAPS) participated in the conference «Convergence Area Studies in Global Paradigm: Focusing on Case Studies and Perspectives», organized by Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul, the Republic of Korea).02/02/17
The contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal»
We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (2017, vol. 61, no. 2). This issue presents two articles devoted to the USA: one article deals with alternative versions of the American policy in Afghanistan, and another – with Obama’s unfinished war.02/01/17
New material in the special section ‘Africa: Experts' comments’
The new material «The political crisis in Gambia and the operation “Restore Democracy”», please, see below in the special section “Africa: the expert’s comments”.02/01/17
Article by Vitaly Shvydko
Vitaly Shvydko, the head of the Sector of Japanese Economics and Politics Studies, Cand. of Science (Economics), published the article «US Rejection of TPP: Implications for Japan» on the website of the Section of East Asia and Pacific // Analysis of the Russian International Affairs Council.01/31/17
Vladimir Varnavskiy attended the Moldovan-Russian forum ‘From Quality to Competitiveness’
Vladimir Varnavskiy, the head of the Sector for Problems of structural policies and competitiveness, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), attended the Moldovan-Russian forum ‘From Quality to Competitiveness’ and delivered the report: ‘Possibilities of Cooperation between Russia and Moldova in the Development of Transport and Logistics Infrastructure’.01/30/17
Our congratulations to N.A. Simoniya with his Anniversary!
There was the 85th birthday of Academician Nodari Simoniya on January 30, 2017. Academician N.A. Simoniya is a well-known scientist all over the world, who specializes in the problems of economic and political development of Eastern countries.01/26/17
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