Article by Stanislav Ivanov in “The International Affairs” journal
In its attempts to impose a unipolar world order model, with the United States as the sole world superpower, Washington is not stopping at expanding NATO's borders and areas of responsibility, but is simultaneously forging new, so-called mini-units, NATO satellites, writes Stanislav Ivanov in the journal “The International Affairs”.08/22/22
Article by Nikita Belukhin on the RIAC website
The website of the Russian Council on Foreign Affairs published an article by Nikita Belukhin, "The «Unruly Islands». Greenland and the Faroe Islands Cherish Sovereign Ambitions. Ukrainian events and fears over the future of the Arctic Council certainly put the subject of Denmark's relations with its autonomous territories on the back burner.08/18/22
Round Table in the International Multimedia Center "Russia Today"
In the International Multimedia Center "Russia Today" a round table on "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization in terms of global turbulence: new opportunities" was held.08/15/22
Article by Dmitry Trenin in the “Arms Export” journal
A special supplementary issue of the “Arms Export magazine” (No. 165, 2022) published an article by Dmitry Trenin "The Ukrainian Crisis and Nuclear Weapons".08/12/22
Article by Ilya Kramnik on the RIAC website
Article by Ilya Kramnik “A Step Towards a Conscious International Policy” was published on the website of the Russian International Affairs Council.08/12/22
Article by Dmitry Stefanovich in the journal "Russia in Global Affairs”
The website of the journal “Russia in Global Affairs” published an article by Dmitry Stefanovich on possible scenarios for the situation in arms control in connection with the Russian Federation decision to suspend its inspection activities under the START Treaty.08/11/22
Full version of the conversation with Alexander Lomanov in the program "International Review”
On August 11, 2022 the journal “Russia in Global Affairs” published on its website the full version of the interview with Deputy Director of IMEMO, Dr. of Science (History) Alexander Lomanov in the program "International Review" (broadcast from 07/29/22).08/09/22
Interview by Alexei Kupriyanov for
On August 9, 2022 an interview with Alexei Kupriyanov, Head of Group on South Asia and Indian Ocean, Cand.of Science (History), was published on the website of the Information and Analytical Center of Moscow State University.08/09/22
Attention readers of the journal “ME & MO”
No. 2 of the journal “World Eñonomy and International Relations” for 2022 is open for free access, which includes articles by N. Rozanova, A. Yashlavsky and a joint article by V. Salamatov, A. Tangaeva and V. Kolomin, translated into English.08/05/22
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