News & Events


Review by Dmitry Stefanovich in the Journal of International Analytics (Mezhdunarodnaya Analitika)

The review of the book by Bleddyn Bowen called “War in Space” by Dmitry Stefanovich was published in the Vol. 11, No 4 of the Journal of International Analytics (Mezhdunarodnaya Analitika) for the year 2020.


Aleksei Volkov made a report at the seminar of the MGIMO University

Aleksei Volkov made a report at the methodological seminar “Social State in Europe: the models, the ways of development, the forecast”, which was organized by the MGIMO University in the framework of the implementation of the project of the World-Class Research Centers “Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Human Potential.”


Staff-members of the IMEMO took part in the Second Political and Geographical Readings named after O.V. Vitkovsky

Staff-members of the IMEMO took part in the Second Political and Geographical Readings named after O.V. Vitkovsky, organized by the Department of Socio-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries of the Faculty of Geography of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.


Forum on the role of women in the work of the think tanks in states and regions of the world

The online forum, dedicated to the role of women in the work of the think tanks in states and regions of the world, was held on the platform of the University of Pennsylvania (the USA). The event was held under the auspices and on the initiative of the “Think Tanks and Civil Society Program”.


Virtual conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Tomáš Petříček

Ekaterina Labetskaya took part in the virtual conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Tomáš Petříček, which was organized by the International Assembly “The Arctic Circle” on the online media platform Arctic Circle Virtual.


Natalia Romashkina and Dmitry Stefanovich made comments for the Academy of Military Science of the Russian Federation

The comments by Natalia Romashkina and Dmitry Stefanovich on the new Comprehensive Review of security, defense, development and foreign policy of the UK are published on the website of the Academy of Military Science of the Russian Federation.


A meeting of the Scientific Council of the IMEMO

The meeting of the Scientific Council was held in the mixed format at the IMEMO. Alexey Arbatov made a report “The Strategic Stability and the prospects for the new START treaty”.


WION Global Summit: Power play in a post-pandemic world, Dubai 2021

Alexander Dynkin took part in the third session “World Economy: The Price of the Pandemic” of the “WION Global Summit: Power play in a post-pandemic world”.


VII Youth Forum of the Potsdam Meetings

Nadezhda Arbatova took part in the VII Youth Forum of the “Potsdam Meetings”. The topic of the event was: “Partners in Difficult Times – Russia and Germany in the Post-Coronavirus Era”.


IMEMO and the Astana International Financial Center signed the Memorandum of Understanding

The IMEMO and the Astana International Financial Center signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the development of the cooperation between the IMEMO and the AIFC.


An international conference The Strategy for the Long-Term Development of the Russian Federation with the Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Elena Nikitina took part in the international conference “The Strategy for the Long-Term Development of the Russian Federation with the Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, organized jointly by the Center for Environmental Industrial Policy, by the European Climate Foundation and by 2050 Pathways Platform.


Maria Pavlova gave an online lecture

The online lecture “The Riga Peace Treaty of the year 1921 and the Russia-Poland relations 100 years later” by Maria Pavlova took place on the platform of the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia.


Alexander Krylov and Vadim Mukhanov were at the roundtable conference at the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Armenia

Alexander Krylov and Vadim Mukhanov made reports in the framework of the roundtable conference dedicated to the 100 years anniversary of the signing of the Moscow Treaty between the RSFSR and representatives of Turkey, which took place on March 16, 1921.


International Round table: Valerie Giscard d'Estaing: man and politician

Marina Klinova and Pavel Timofeev took part in the International Round table "Valerie Giscard d'Estaing: man and politician", organized by the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.


The conference «The Third Bomb and How to Prevent It»

Alexey Arbatov made a presentation on «Strengthening strategic stability» at the international online conference «The Third Bomb and How to Prevent It» organized by the Track Two: Institute of Citizen Diplomacy.


Presidential Council for Science and Education

Feodor Voitolovsky became a member of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Science and Education (on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2021 No. 144).


Webinar on the online media platform Arctic Circle Virtual

Ekaterina Labetskaya took part in the webinar, which was held on the online media platform Arctic Circle Virtual.


Online-seminar “Middle East: the policy and the identity”

Center for the Middle East Studies of the IMEMO held a regular online-seminar named after G. Mirsky “Middle East: the policy and the identity”. At the event there was held the presentation of the collective monograph of the same name.


Maria Pavlova took part in an international online-conference at the NISE

Maria Pavlova took part on the international online-conference “The national oblivion and memory: the destruction of the “national” monuments in a comparative perspective”, was organized by the Belgian scientific research platform NISE.


Forum on the global economic development

Alexander Lomanov made a video link report at the forum of the think tanks and the media on the global economic development. The event was organized by the China International Publishing Group, the China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy and by the French Perspective and Innovation Foundation.

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Institute News

On January 22, 2025, for the first time in history, ISKRAN was headed by a woman – Natalia Alexandrovna Tsvetkova, an international political scientist and internationalist from St. Petersburg State University.



The Fall–Winter 2024 issue of “Pathways to Peace and Security”, no. 2 (67), is now online. The issue's key themes include terrorism and antiterrorism in the context of escalating international tensions, the leading non-Western powers' approaches to the Russia–West confrontation, and the U.S.' and its main European allies' policies on arms and defense-industrial sector.


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