The Article of Marina Klinova
A new theoretical article by Marina Klinova, Dr. of Sc. (Economics) on the role of the state in economy from the cycle « A view in the Retrospect of Time: A History of State and Business Interaction» was published in the journal «Economic Strategies».04/17/17
Round-table conference on the topic: “Will China be the leader of the new century?”
Alexander Dynkin and Vasiliy Mikheev took part in the round-table conference on the topic: “Will China be the leader of the new century?”04/17/17
Seminar «Russia and the West: Is a New Yalta Feasible?»
Discussion Forum «European Dialogues» has held its seminar «Russia and the West: Is a New Yalta Feasible?».04/16/17
A comment by Alexander Dynkin
Being in the program “Voskresnoe vremya” on the First channel, Alexander Dynkin made a comment: “After making strikes at Syria and Afghanistan, Trump has started to menace to North Korea. What does Trump want to achieve by escalating tension on the Russian borders?”04/15/17
Alexander Dynkin is a guest of the program “Dom E” on the OTR channel
During the program “Dom E” on the OTR channel Academician Alexander Dynkin gave answers to these and other questions: What does the transformation of the modern world order mean? How did the world basic trends change? What are the key challenges for the world economy nowadays?04/13/17
Round-table conference “Russia and Armenia: 25 years of the dialogue and the integration”
The round-table conference “Russia and Armenia: 25 years of the dialogue and the integration” was held at the press-center of the “A&F” on April 13, 2017. The event was dedicated to the 25 years anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.04/13/17
Report by Academician Natalya Ivanova
Academician Natalya Ivanova made a report on the expert session in the framework of the April XVIII international scientific conference on the problems of the development of the world economy and society.04/13/17
Seminar on the topic “The global market of the liquefied natural gas: the trends and the prognoses”
The Forum “Oil and Gas Dialogue” of the IMEMO and Russian Gas Society held the joint seminar “The global market of the liquefied natural gas: the trends and the prognoses”. Academician of RAS Natalya Ivanova and Head of the Forum “Oil and Gas Dialogue” Nina Pusenkova led the seminar.04/12/17
The questions of the Eurasian integration were discussed at the RGSU
The international round-table conference “The Eurasian integration: the elements of problems and the points of growth” was held at the Russian State Social University.04/12/17
Staff members of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies made reports on the inter-institutional scientific conference
The staff members of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies Cand. of Science (Economics) Alexander Rogozhin and Dr. Natalya Rogozhina made reports on the inter-institutional scientific conference “The new trends and prospects of the economical and political cooperation SEA with Russia, China and the USA”, which was held at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS.04/11/17
Dr. Ekaterina Stepanova at the conference «Regional (Dis)order in the Middle East: Historical Legacies and Current Shifts»
Dr. Ekaterina Stepanova made a presentation «Russia's Middle East Policy and Multilateral Cooperation on Syria and Libya» at the conference «Regional (Dis)order in the Middle East: Historical Legacies and Current Shifts», co-organized by Instituto Affari Internazionali (Rome) and Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe, Bologna.04/10/17
A meeting of the inter-institutional seminar “The modern problems of the development”
The regular meeting of the inter-institutional seminar “The modern problems of the development” organized by the Center for Development and Modernization Studies was held in the conference-hall (3rd floor) of the IMEMO.04/10/17
Meeting of the partners of the Energy Delta Institute
The international meeting of the partners of the Energy Delta Institute (Holland) was held in Saint Petersburg. First Deputy Director of the Institute Academician Natalya Ivanova took part in the work of the round-table conference.04/07/17
Feodor Voitolovsky as a guest of the program «International Review»
An order of the President of the Russian Federation
Corresponding-members of RAS Feodor Voitolovsky and Alexey Kuznetsov were awarded the Diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation for the merits in the scientific work.04/07/17
Dialogue meeting of experts
Alexander Krylov made a report “The conflicts in the Southern Caucasus and the Russia-Georgia relations” at the regular meeting of experts in Kvareli (Georgia).04/06/17
Elena Sidorova made a report at MGIMO University
Elena Sidorova, Senior Researcher, Ph.D.(Econ), Department of Global Economic Problems and Foreign Economic Policy, made a report «The economic component of the Elections in the «EU-locomotives» and the Issues of European construction» during the International Scientific Conference «The First Liventsev readings» at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO University).04/04/17
Press-conference in the TASS
There was a press-conference dedicated to the publishing of the new comprehensive study “World 2035. Global Outlook ”. The event was organized by the IMEMO.04/04/17
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