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“Pathways to Peace and Security” – ¹2(49)

The December 2015 issue of the IMEMO journal “Pathways to Peace and Security” – ¹2(49) – is out of print.   


New issue of «MEMO Journal»

We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (vol. 60, No 1, 2016).   


Round table "Problems of social adaptation of migrant workers’ children, availability of school and preschool education and health care"

Round table "Problems of social adaptation of migrant workers’ children,  availability of school and preschool education and health care" was held in the Public Chamber (7, Miusskaya square) on December 14, 2015.  


Meeting of representatives of T20

Meeting of representatives of  T20 (Think tanks) was held in Beijing, China,  on December 14-15, 2015.  Head of the Department of Global Economic Problems and Foreign Economic Policy Ludmila Khudyakova took part in the meeting. 


Seminar «Russia and Europe in the Middle East»

Discussion Forum “European Dialogues” has held its seminar “Russia and Europe in the Middle East”.


International Conference

International Conference "Russia in the new international political context" was held in the Conference Hall of IMEMO on December 11, 2015. 


Round-table conference

Round-table conference “Assistance to the development of Ukraine: Economics, politics, altruism?” will be held in the small conference hall of IMEMO (3rd floor, room 03-04) on December 8, 2015.  


All-Russian Scientific Conference

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Modern France in the world economy and international relations" will be held in the Conference Hall of IMEMO on December 7, 2015.  


International conference

Center for Energy Research, IMEMO and Faculty of international energy business of Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas are holding an international conference "Energy in Eurasia: New Trends and Prospects" on December 4, 2015.  


The presentation of the short version of the joint forecast

The presentation of the short version of the joint forecast up to 2035 “Global System on the Brink: Pathways toward a New Normal” made by the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations and the Center for the Strategic Forecasting of US Atlantic Council  was held in Washington on December 3-4, 2015.  


Meeting with CASS delegation

Head of Sector for Chinese economic and political studies Dr. Sergey Lukonin and Kristina Voda – researcher, Center for Asia Pacific Studies met the delegation from the Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.


The seminar

The seminar "Urban economic performance through connectivity: post-Soviet puzzle" will be held in IMEMO in room 17.05 on November 26, 2015. 



The round-table summit on the topic:  "The hierarchy of power and responsibility in the Trans-Pacific area" was held at the Center for Asia Pacific Studies on November 18, 2015.   


Presentation of the book

Presentation of the book "Aleksander Leonidovich Dynkin. To the 100 anniversary of the birth of aircraft engine designer» was held in the exhibition hall “Saturn” on November 17, 2015.   


Letter of condolences

Director of Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations Academician Alexander Dynkin sent a letter of condolences to Director of the French Institute for international relations (IFRI) Professor Toma Gomaru  in connection with terrorists’ attacks in Paris.    


A Letter of Condolences

Director of Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) Academician Alexander Dynkin sent a letter of condolences to the French Ambassador in Russia Mr. Jean-Maurice Riper in connection with the deaths of civilians during terrorists’ attacks in Paris.  


New issue of «MEMO Journal»

We offer you the contents of the new issue of «MEMO Journal» (¹12, 2015).  


Integration and Disintegration Processes in the World Economy and Politics

Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of IMEMO held an international scientific conference "Integration and Disintegration Processes in the World Economy and Politics." 


“Asia's Future: Economics, Politics, Security”

The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of  IMEMO conducts a seminar for young researchers “Asia's Future: Economics, Politics, Security”.


Meeting with the Head of the South Korean Unification Ministry analytical bureau

Head of the Sector of the Asia-Pacific Region Problems Dr. Alexander Fedorovskiy met with the Director of the South Korean Unification Ministry analytical bureau Li Sen Shin in IMEMO on November 03, 2015.  

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First news
Institute News

The next issue of the “MEMO Journal” (No. 2, 2025) is being prepared for printing. It opens with articles devoted to the topical issues of the modern world economy – structural shifts in the global production activities of multinational companies and price mechanisms of the digital economy.



The Belgrade Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) journal “Horisons” (No. 29, 2025) published an article by Stanislav Pritchin “Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Russia's Foreign Policy – Before and After the Ukraine Crisis”.


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