A roundtable conference at the RIAC
Maria Khorolskaya made a report about the future of the new eastern policy at the roundtable conference on the outcomes of the elections in Russia and in Germany and on the future of the Russia-Germany relations. The meeting was organized by the Russian International Affairs Council and the Hanns Seidel Foundation.09/09/21
A material by Nadezhda Arbatova in the Policy Paper 7/2021
The material «EUROPEAN GLOBAL CENTER: UTOPIA OR STRATEGIC OPTION? A Russian View» by Nadezhda Arbatova is published in the series of the program documents Policy Paper 7/2021.05/19/21
Presentation of a monograph “Strategic autonomy of the EU and the prospects for cooperation with Russia”
The presentation of the monograph of the Department for European Political Studies “Strategic autonomy of the EU and the prospects for cooperation with Russia” was held in the conference hall named after academician N.N. Inozemtsev.05/12/21
Maria Pavlova participated in a scientific discussion of the Joint Russian-Lithuanian Commission of Historians
Maria Pavlova took part in the scientific discussion of the Joint Russian-Lithuanian Commission of Historians on the occasion of the presentation of the collection of documents “Lithuania-Russia. 1917-1920 ". There were discussed the issues of the history of the bilateral relations and the prospects for the further cooperation between Russian and Lithuanian.03/24/21
VII Youth Forum of the Potsdam Meetings
Nadezhda Arbatova took part in the VII Youth Forum of the “Potsdam Meetings”. The topic of the event was: “Partners in Difficult Times – Russia and Germany in the Post-Coronavirus Era”.03/18/21
Maria Pavlova gave an online lecture
The online lecture “The Riga Peace Treaty of the year 1921 and the Russia-Poland relations 100 years later” by Maria Pavlova took place on the platform of the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia.03/11/21
Maria Pavlova took part in an international online-conference at the NISE
Maria Pavlova took part on the international online-conference “The national oblivion and memory: the destruction of the “national” monuments in a comparative perspective”, was organized by the Belgian scientific research platform NISE.02/26/21
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