The meeting of the Academic Council of the IMEMO, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.N. Inozemtsev, was held in the big conference hall of the IMEMO RAS (3rd floor).
Director of the IMEMO, Corresponding Member of the RAS Voitolovsky Feodor Genrikhovich hled the meeting.
President of IMEMO, Academician Alexander Alexandrovich Dynkin made the key report of the event.
The following speakers also made reports at the event:
- 1. Honorary Director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Zhurkin Vitaly Vladimirovich;
- 2. President of the RIAC, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ivanov Igor Sergeevich;
- 3. Chief Researcher of the IMEMO, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Korolev Ivan Sergeevich;
- 4. Scientific Leader of the ISCRAN, Academician Rogov Sergey Mikhailovich;
- 5. President and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for National Interests (the USA) Simes K. Dmitry;
- 6. Head of the Department of International Political Problems of the IMEMO, Cand. of Science (History) Kosolapov Nikolay Alekseevich;
- 7. Head of the Department of Global Economic Problems and Foreign Economic Policy of the IMEMO, Cand. of Science (Economics) Khudyakova Lyudmila Semyonovna;
- 8. Head of the Sector for Forecasting the World Economy and Policy Forecasting Sector of the IMEMO, Machavariani Givi Iraklievich;
- 9. Member of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of IMEMO, Cand. of Science (Politics) Kislitsyn Sergey Vladimirovich;
- 10. Member of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of IMEMO Aleshin Alexander Andreevich;
- 11. Member of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of IMEMO, Cand. of Science (Politics) Davydov Alexey Andreevich.
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