There was held the regular meeting of the scientific-theoretical seminar of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies of the IMEMO. It was held in a mixed format.The topic of the event was “The digital inequality in divided societies: the social, the economic and the political dimensions”.

The seminar was dedicated to the analysis of the impact of the digital inequality as one of the key dimensions of the social division on the socio-political dynamics of modern societies. The particular attention was paid to the challenges of the digital divide for Russia, as well as to its impact on the dynamics of the labor market in countries and regions of the world. Dr. of Philosophy, Professor of the Kuban State University Elena Morozova and Cand. of Sciences (Economic), Head of the Department of Complex Socio-Economic Research of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies of the IMEMO Elena Sadovaya made reports at the meeting.

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