On August 26, 2014 Russian daily Kommersant and a US publication The Atlantic posted the results of the work of Russian-American group of experts co-chaired by IMEMO Director Academician Alexander Dynkin, managing director of Kissinger Associates (consulting firm of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger) Tom Graham and vice president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Andrew Weiss.
The result of the expert consultations held on the island of Boisto, near Helsinki, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, the corporation "Carnegie New York" and IMEMO was a set of proposals for international exit strategy from the Ukrainian crisis. The group of Russian participants of the working group included head of the IMEMO Center for International Security Studies Academician Alexey Arbatov; Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, IMEMO Board member, four-star general Vyacheslav Trubnikov; Editor in chief of the World Economy and International Relations monthly journal Andrey Ryabov; Deputy director of IMEMO Feodor Voitolovsky.
Коллеги, а почему тексты на английском в Коммерсанте и Atlantic отличаются? В основном это мелкие правки, но есть и такие, которые позволяют по-разному трактовать написанное. Складывается впечатление некоторой недоговорённости между российскими и американскими авторами. Или журналисты подправили?