The Fall–Winter 2024 issue of “Pathways to Peace and Security”, no. 2 (67)


We would like to present the Fall–Winter 2024 issue of “Pathways to Peace and Security”, no. 2 (67), to our readers.

The opening section examines the issues of terrorism and antiterrorism in the context of escalating international tensions. The main focus of the articles is on (anti)terrorism in Afghanistan and the ISIS-Khorasan factor, a comparative analysis of ideologies and some of the methods employed by ISIS* and “Azov battalion”,** the role of Russia’s African Corps in the Russian policy and fight against terrorism in Africa, and the impact of the war in Gaza on the terrorism situation in Europe. In the second section, approaches of such leading non-Western powers as India, China, Turkey, and the Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf to the current Russia–West confrontation are explored. The final section covers military security, arms, and arms control. It includes analyses of the U.S. nuclear strategy under the outgoing J.Biden administration, the U.S. deliveries of unmanned aerial vehicles to Ukraine in 2022–2024, and the impact of the conflict in Ukraine on the evolution of the EU military–industrial sector, with its two main drivers – Germany and France – as case studies.


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* ISIS/IS is an organization recognized as terrorist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation.
** Azov battalion is an organization recognized as terrorist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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