The website of the journal “Russia in Global Affairs” (No. 1, 2025) published articles by IMEMO employees:
Maria Pavlova – “From Just a Victim – to the Main Victim”.
The article examines the transformation of Polish memory politics in the first quarter of the 21st century on the example of Holocaust memory on the territory of modern Poland. The topic of the Holocaust literally exploded Polish society in the early 2000s after the publications of Jan Tomasz Gross. The tragedy in Jedwabne, where more than 300 Jews died at the hands of the Poles in 1941, was first described by Gross in his monograph “Neighbors” and led to unprecedented historical debate. When the national-conservative “Law and Justice” (PiS) party came to power in Poland in 2015, the rivalry between “critical patriotism” and patriotic memory politics was resolved in favor of the latter, and PiS turned memory politics into one of the foundations of its political program. A new narrative about the Holocaust began to emerge, which is aimed at turning Poles into selfless saviors of the Jews and, at the same time, into the main victims of World War II.
Dmitry Stefanovich – “The Multiple Dimensions of Technological Confrontation”
The role of emerging and disruptive technologies in international security has been growing for many decades. Even the familiar ballistic and cruise missiles were once considered something breakthrough and changing the “rules of the game”. The first artificial earth satellites, digital image processing technologies and so on were perceived in the same way. The key difference today is the pace, the speed of change and the introduction of new technologies.
Konstantin Bogdanov – “Don't Greet across the Threshold”
The nuclear factor is increasingly intertwined with non-nuclear ones, and, as the discussions of the last two years show, it is not always possible to distinguish the real from the imaginary. At the same time, it is increasingly difficult to separate long-term, systemic trends in the transformation of nuclear deterrence from immediate acute reactions. The creeping escalation of the Ukrainian crisis has been going on unsteadily throughout 2024. The transfer of tactical initiative to the Russian armed forces was combined with the gradual loss of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' ability to conduct active combat operations. The reduction of reserves within the legislatively established age limits for mobilization and the shortage of artillery ammunition were slowly doing their job.
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