Staff-members of the IMEMO made reports at the international scientific-practical conference “30 years anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States: the outcomes and the prospects”, which was held in Minsk.
These were:
- Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Corresponding Member of the RAS Dr. Sergey Afontsev made a report “Cooperation among the CIS countries in the fight against technological protectionism” at the session “Economic interaction and improvement of the legislative basis of the CIS member states”;
- Head of the Center for post-Soviet Studies of the IMEMO, Cand. of Science (Politics) Eduard Solovyev made a report “After ISIL: the peculiarities of the cross-border challenges and the priorities of the anti-terrorist strategy” at the session “Interaction of the CIS member states in the field of security, combating crime and terrorism”;
- Head of the Section for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine of the Center for post-Soviet Studies Cand. of Science (Politics) Elena Kuzmina made a report “The development of the transport corridors and infrastructure in order to increase the connectivity of the CIS economies” at the session “Economic interaction and improvement of the legislative basis of the CIS member states”;
- Lead Researcher for the Section for the Caucasus of the Center for post-Soviet Studies Dr. Azganush Migranyan made a report “The potential of multilevel integration of the CIS countries: the cooperation, the conjugation and the competition” at the session “Economic interaction and improvement of the legislative basis of the CIS member states”.
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