Presentation of the Russian edition of the WMDC report «Weapons of Terror. Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons» took place in the IMEMO. Among those who attended the presentation chaired by Academician A. Dynkin, IMEMO Director, were Hans Blix, WMDC Chairman, V.Baranovsky, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, IMEMO Deputy Director, A. Arbatov, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Center for International Security (managing editor of the Russian edition), Dr. A. Pikayev, Head of Disarmament and Conflict Settlement Department (editor of the Russian edition), researchers working with the IMEMO, representatives of foreign embassies, Russian and foreign journalists.
In his welcoming speech Academician A. Dynkin pointed out the importance of the Commission’s activities and analyzed the WMDC proposals (both long- and short-term) on creating favorable conditions for the liquidation of weapons of mass destruction. Despite the fact that the Commission does not participate in the official talks on the government level, it contributes to conducting qualified debate on international and national effort to involve non-governmental actors, civil society in particular, in attempts to outlaw WMD.
In his report Dr. Hans Blix dwelt on the history of the establishment of the Commission and gave a detailed account of various aspects of its activity. He also called for the elaboration of the universal fissile material cut-off treaty.
Dr. G. Arbatov dwelt on the particular role of Russia in the sphere of reduction and liquidation of WMD.
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