The next issue of the journal “MEMO Journal” (No. 6, 2024) is published. Structurally, it contains several major headings.
The economic section contains 4 articles: on public investment and sustainability of the world economy (I. Strelets, S. Chebanov); on the consequences for the world oil market of corporate consolidation in the US oil and gas sector (I. Kopytin); on the role of the rupee in Russian-Indian trade (A. Polivach); on the proportions and factors of development of African countries south of the Sahara (V. Meliantsev).
The American section includes articles on the perception of the AUCUS bloc in American politics (Y. Golub, S. Shenin); on the evolution of the US policy of “strategic uncertainty” in the Taiwan issue (S. Lebedev); on changes in the US educational system (A. Shlikhter).
The European section is represented by articles on the collapse of the system of collective European security (N. Arbatova); on the “green course” as a trigger for deeper integration in the European Union (N. Kaveshnikov); on the evolution of the political and military influence of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Middle East (Ph. Trunov).
In the issue the reader will also find articles touching upon the politics and ideology of China and Turkey: on the Chinese strategic narrative of the international system (E. Soboleva and S. Krivokhizh) and on the realization of the humanitarian direction of Turkey's foreign policy during the rule of the Justice and Development Party (Yu. Belous, E. Goryushina, N. Kulieva).
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