Scientific-practical seminar of the RIAC, the IMEMO and of the MEiMO Journal


There was held the first scientific-practical seminar, dedicated to the study of the key issues of the current international relations. The topic was “The emerging world order: the experience of theoretical comprehension”. The meeting was organized jointly by the IMEMO, the RIAC and by the MEiMO Journal.

The following questions were discussed during the seminar:

  • What is the world order?
  • How to understand the world order? Is scientific knowledge about it possible? What constitutes the modern world order? What are its “control parameters”?
  • What are the scenarios for the future world order? What kind of world order – unipolar, bipolar or multipolar – awaits us?
  • Is it possible to understand the world order outside of the concept of  the “poles of power”?

President of the RIAC Igor Ivanov, President of the IMEMO RAS Alexander Dynkin, Director of the IMEMO RAS Feodor Voitolovsky, Director General of the RIAC Andrey Kortunov, Head of the Department of International Political Problems of the IMEMO Nikolay Kosolapov, Scientific leader of the ISCRAN Sergey Rogov, Associate Professor for the Department for World Political Processes of the MGIMO Maksim Kharkevich, Associate Professor, Director of Programs of the RIAC Ivan Timofeev, Chief Editor of the MEiMO Journal Andrey Ryabov and many other leading Russian experts in the field of international relations made reports at the event.

See also in Russian

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