Scientific-Practical Seminar of IMEMO, RIAC and MEMO Journal


On June 30, 2023 at 11:00 am the Ninth Scientific-Practical Seminar organized by the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences together with the Russian International Affairs Council and the journal "World Economy and International Relations" was held.

The theme of the seminar was "Technological Leadership in the Context of the Transformation of the World Order”.

Every year the relevance of the development and use of high technologies is growing and becomes more important in the context of global politics. Scientific and technological progress became an imperative for successful development in the XXI century, and globalization accelerated the process of interpenetration and integration of innovative technologies.

Questions discussed:
Technological leadership in conditions of uncertainty and transformation of the global world order: parameters and impact on world processes;
Prospects for international cooperation in the field of innovative development: global cooperation or technology wars?
Innovation development policy in the USA, EU, China and India and its projection on the foreign policy vector.


At the opening of the seminar the speakers were:

Sergey Afontsev – Acting Deputy Director for Scientific Work of IMEMO, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

The topic of today's seminar is now one of the most decisive ones in terms of determining the economy of our country and, perhaps, the future of Russia as a whole. The question of technological development, the possibilities of its acceleration, and the need to bring it to a level that will ensure the technological leadership of our country on a global scale.

Ivan Timofeev – General Director of the RIAC.


Ivan Danilin – Head of the Department of Science and Innovation of IMEMO;

In the medium term, we are facing big challenges that require a certain new model of globalization, new approaches to development and, in my opinion, a higher level of dialogue on major issues. If we break the modern hi-tech market into segments, then the whole model of high-tech business that we have been building for the last 50 years has an implausible chance of failing. We have a chance, as we did during the Cold War, to create the potential for a further step forward. In turn, this step will have to be carried out on some new globalization model. The next "wave of globalization" will make it possible to commercialize and turn into economic growth what is now being developed in laboratories. The question is one: when will the balance of populism on the one hand and economic rationalism on the other change to a more optimal ratios.

Elena Zinovieva – Deputy Director of the Center for International Information Security, Science and Technology Policy, MGIMO University of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Ivan Shchedrov – Junior Research Fellow of the Center for the Indo-Pacific Region of IMEMO.

  • Elena Sidorova – Head of the Sector for the International Monetary and Financial Relations of IMEMO;
  • Ellina Shawlai – Research Fellow of the Department of Science and Innovation of IMEMO;
  • Anastasia Tolstukhina – Program Manager and Website Editor of the RIAC.
  • Moderators:
  • Andrei Ryabov – Editor-in-Chief of the MEMO Journal;
  • Julia Melnikova – Program Manager of the RIAC.

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