On October 29, 2020, IMEMO hosted presentation of the Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2019: “Armaments, Disarmament and International Security”, including the Special Supplement of IMEMO, as well as a separate English edition of the Supplement “Russia: Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security”.
This year’s edition of the Yearbook and the Supplement are dedicated to the intellectual legacy of Academician Andrei Sakharov, as the 100th anniversary of his birth approaches in 2021.
Both publications were prepared as part of a joint project between Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
This year, due to the threat of the spread of COVID-19, the majority of participants joined the event remotely. The meeting was started off by the Head of the Center for International Security (CIS), IMEMO, Academician Alexey Arbatov.
Presentations were provided by the following speakers*): Director of IMEMO, Corresponding Member of RAS Feodor Voitolovsky; President of RAS, Academician Alexander Sergeyev; Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly, Professor of the National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Vladimir Lukin; Director of SIPRI Dan Smith; Academician Roald Sagdeev; Director of the Andrei Sakharov Foundation Marina Sakharov-Liberman; Head of the Section of Military-Political Analysis and Research Projects of the CIS Sergey Oznobishchev; Head of Research of the Center for Situational Analysis at IMEMO, Academician Vladimir Baranovsky; Chief Research Fellow at the CIS, Professor, Major General (ret.) Vladimir Dvorkin.
Presentations were made by Leading Researcher, Institute for the US and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Major General (ret.) Pavel Zolotarev; Director of the Center for Korean Studies at the Institute of the Far Eastern Studies Alexander Zhebin; Leading Researcher at the CIS Stanislav Ivanov; and Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities Vladimir Pryakhin.
The event was attended by representatives from executive power bodies of the Russian Federation; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; enterprises of the defense industry; research institutes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; scientific institutions, including the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov); embassies of several foreign countries (including Ambassadors of India and Sweden); scientists, specialists on international affairs, and journalists.
The presentation generated great interest, bringing together more than 60 representatives of relevant ministries and departments, RAS institutes, foreign embassies, independent research centers and journalists.
*) Names are given in the order in which the presentation was made.

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