International scientific conference “The foreign policy of Ukraine in the post-Covid world: the challenges and the possibilities”


Vladimir Avatkov and Dmitry Malyshev made reports in the framework of the international scientific conference “The foreign policy of Ukraine in the post-Covid world: the challenges and the possibilities”, organized by the Center for Post-Soviet States Studies and the journal “Post-Soviet Studies” (“Postsovietskiye issledovaniya”).

During the meeting the reports were made:

-    “Ukraine-Turkey: from economy to drones” by Senior Researcher for the Section for the Caucasus Cand. od Science (Politics) Vladimir Avatkov;

-    "The key aspects of Russian-Ukrainian relations in the year 2021: the state and the prospects" by Lead Researcher for the Section for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine Cand. od Science (History) Dmitry Malyshev.

The purpose of the scientific conference was the constructive exchange of views on the problems and on the prospects for the development of Ukraine's foreign policy in the context of the formation of international relations in the post-Covid period, taking into account the possible challenges and the potential opportunities for the Ukrainian state both in the field of domestic policy and in the foreign environment.

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