On January 29, 2024, Gleb Makarevich, Junior Research Fellow of the Centre for the Indo-Pacific Region, delivered a report "All Quiet on the Western front (for the Better): Expectations of the Indian Expert Community from the 2024 Elections in Pakistan" at the International Conference "Pakistan: Potential for Interaction with Russia in the Context of Democratization of Political Process" at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The speaker outlined the main topics discussed by Indian experts in the eve of the elections, namely the possible outcome of the election campaign, the transformation of the role of military elites, the economic situation of the country, countering extremism and terrorism, as well as the prospects for Indo-Pakistani relations.
The most probable scenario seems to be the "freezing" of bilateral ties as a new norm for relations between Islamabad and New Delhi, due to both political (unwillingness of each side to make concessions on the Kashmir issue) and economic reasons (reduction of mutual dependence, as well as integration into the parallel existing infrastructural and technological environments).
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