International Young Scholars Conference «Regions and Spaces: How We Define Them in International Studies»


On April 20-21, 2023, the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), Moscow, will host the international young scholars conference «Regions and Spaces: How We Define Them in International Studies».

Eligibility: Candidates and Doctors of Sciences (PhD or equivalent), as well as graduate and postgraduate students under the age of 40 years are invited to participate in the Conference.

The hosting party does not cover travel and accommodation expenses of the participants and guests of the conference.

Format of the event: hybrid (online + in-person participation).

In order to apply, complete the following electronic form by March 31, 2023:

The application should be accompanied by a detailed abstract in either English or Russian, 2000-8000 characters including spaces (1-2 Word pages, Times New Roman, font size 14, single spacing).

The abstract should focus on how specific political, technological, ethnic, religious or other spaces determine the development of international relations.

The Conference sessions will address the following issues:

  • Regional Spaces as a Research Category: Theory and Methodology;
  • The European Jigsaw: New Spaces Inside the Old World;
  • Eurasia: The Nexus of Visions;
  • Indo-Pacific vs Asia-Pacific: Differentiating and Reconciling the Concepts;
  • Imposed Frontiers: State Borders and Regional Spaces in the Middle East and North Africa;
  • America(s): An Illusion of Unity? 
  • The Poles of Gravity: Disentangling Territorial Claims;
  • Ethnicities Sans Frontières. Exploring Transnational Ethnic Spaces;
  • The Spectre of Empire: Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot?
  • The Realms of Infrastructure, Technologies, and Standards;
  • Regulating Global Spaces: Towards Optimal International Formats.

 Information about the conference and description of sections.

The organizing committee reserves the right to select materials for presentations and to include them in the collection of articles based on the results of the Conference.

Council of Young Scientists IMEMO:

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Issue No. 9 for 2024 of the MEMO Journal is out of print. The issue opens with an article by P. Topychkanov on India's influence on the formation of a multipolar nuclear order.



The journal "Polis. Political Studies" (No. 5, 2024) published an article by Academician Alexander Dynkin "Transformation of the World Order: Economy, Ideology, Technology".


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