24 December, 2013. IMEMO RAN presented a booklet titled “Nuclear Non-Proliferation in the Middle East Context” that was a part of the joint project of IMEMO RAN-NTI (Nuclear Threat Initiative, Inc.).
In the course of the presentation the principle concerns and the conclusion of the authors of the work were presented. It was emphasized that the prognoses done by the authors were almost fully realized in the Joint Plan of Action and conditions of compromise achieved over the Iranian nuclear program in Geneva in November 2013. The topic, being of extreme interest and concern at the same time, attracted the attention of experts and representatives of mass media. It was also pointed out that the accord being achieved may be only the starting point on the way to the solution of the problem. If the final agreement on Iranian nuclear program will not be concluded in the expected time, the armed conflict in the Middle East may appear to be inevitable.
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