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11/26/15 The seminar
The seminar "Urban economic performance through connectivity: post-Soviet puzzle" will be held in IMEMO in room 17.05 on November 26, 2015.
Alexander Dynkin, Vasily Mikheev, Feodor Voitolovsky, Alexey Arbatov, members of Center for Asia-Pacific Studies took part in a workshop with representatives of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).
more...11/02/15 Department for European Policy Studies conducted a situational analysis
Department for European Policy Studies conducted a situational analysis on the topic «Migration crisis in the EU».
more...10/28/15 The IX Convention of the Russian International Studies Association
On 28 October 2015 as part of the IX RISA Convention a section dedicated to international organisations interaction and informal forums within the global economic governance took place.
more...09/24/15 “EU participation in the Global Business Management”
The Sector of institutional problems of International relations, IMEMO invites interested professionals and postgraduates to attend the scientific-theoretical seminar on the issues of EU participation in the Global Business Management on September 24, 2015.
more...07/13/15 Joint Seminar IMEMO - Atlantic Council
13-14 July 2015 a joint seminar IMEMO - Atlantic Council was held at IMEMO. The preliminary results of the research on ‘Global Outlook 2035’ were discussed.
more...06/15/15 Scientific seminar
15 June 2015 the Center for Energy Studies, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of the International Energy Business at the RSU of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin held the scientific seminar ‘A new type of gas contract LNG with the price basing to Henry Hub: opportunities and prospects’.
more...06/01/15 First joint seminar
01 June 2015 IMEMO held the first joint seminar with leading Indian ‘think tank’ – the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) on the theme‘South and Pacific Asia in the emerging polycentric world order’.
more...04/15/15 Department for European Policy Studies conducted a situational analysis
Department for European Policy Studies conducted a situational analysis on the topic "Transatlantic relations in the foreign policy of the EU" on April 15, 2015.
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