Theoretical seminar named acad. Martynov

Theoretical seminar named after Vladlen Martynov

About the Seminar

 2024  |  2023  |  2022  |  2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2014  |  2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008  |  2007  |  2005  |  2004  |


10/28/15 “Russian Economy yesterday, today, tomorrow”

Meeting of the theoretical seminar named after Academician V. A. Martynov will be held in IMEMO on October 28, 2015. The topic of the seminar is: “Russian Economy yesterday, today, tomorrow”


06/22/15 ‘The results of the global economy in 2014 and prospects for 2015’

IMEMO held a meeting of the theoretical seminar named after V.A. Martynov, academician. The theme of the seminar: ‘The results of the global economy in 2014 and prospects for 2015’


06/18/15 «The Grand chessboard: the birth of a New World»

18 June 2015 ‘THE GRAND CHESSBOARD: THE BIRTH OF A NEW WORLD’ is presented by Simon Hunt, the founder and director of the consulting firm Simon Hunt Strategic Services (SHSS).   


03/30/15 «The idea of «a century of stagnation»: three versions»»

The regular meeting of the theoretical seminar named after the academician V.A. Martynov takes place on the theme: "The idea of «a century of stagnation»: three versions".   


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The Belgrade Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) journal “Horisons” (No. 29, 2025) published an article by Stanislav Pritchin “Central Asia and the South Caucasus in Russia's Foreign Policy – Before and After the Ukraine Crisis”.



The next (No. 1, 2025) issue of the “MEMO Journal” opens with an article by V. Varnavskii on global trends in robotics. Articles by I. Denisov on legal support of China's foreign policy and I. Arsentieva on China’s Health Silk Road are devoted to the problems of China's development. 


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