Main Council`s Events

Council of Young Scientists and Postgraduate Students

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12/03/19 Seminar of young scientists and post-graduate students of IMEMO and Institute of Latin America Studies RAS

Pavel Timofeev presented the report “Protests of the “yellow vests” in France: the results of the first year” during a joint seminar organized by the Councils of Young Scientists of IMEMO and ILA RAS.


07/04/19 Meeting with a group of students, postdocs and teachers of the the University of Edinburgh

The Council of Young Scientists of IMEMO held a meeting with a group of students, postdocs and teachers of the the University of Edinburgh (School of Economics).


05/24/19 A seminar - The trade within the triangle of the US – Japan – the EU: the new bilateral and multilateral form

There was held the seminar “The trade within the triangle of the US – Japan – the EU: the new bilateral and multilateral form”.


05/13/19 Report by Bruno Maçães

Portuguese scientist Bruno Maçães made report at the seminar “Eurasia: the birth of a new continent”, which was held at the IMEMO.

04/11/19 The International Conference of young scientists «The Changing West and its Role in Global Regulation»

The Council of Young Scientists of IMEMO is pleased to announce that the International conference of young scientists «The Changing West and its Role in Global Regulation». The conference is organized jointly by IMEMO, Institute of Europe and Institute for US and Canadian Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences


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Institute News

Academician Sergey Mikhailovich Rogov, Scientific Director of the Institute for the US and Canada Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN), an outstanding political scientist and Americanist, an expert in the field of US foreign policy, international security and arms control, passed away at the age of 76.



Alexander Dynkin took part in the International Scientific Conference ”Transition from Unipolar to Multipolar World. Europe-Balkans-Bulgaria" in Sofia, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Yevgeny Primakov. 


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