Ivanova Natalya
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- The Scientific Council
- Dissertation counci (Ä 002.003.01)
- On subdivision's page: Department of science and innovation
- History of the Institute
- Section of Science and Innovation
- Staff
- Editorial Board
- Partners of Forum «Oil and Gas Dialogue»
- 05.12.2024 X All-Russian Congress of Political Scientists with International Participation “Russia in a Polycentric World Order: Challenges and New Development Paradigms”
- 20.09.2024 Article by Natalya Ivanova in «Stimul» magazine
- 11.09.2023 Fifth Russian Economic Congress (REC-2023)
- 04.04.2023 Roundtable "Opportunities and Limitations for the Development of Innovative Companies in Modern Conditions"
- 14.10.2021 XIII Russian International Studies Association Convention
- 25.12.2020 The IV Russian Economic Congress “REC-2020”
- 08.06.2020 XXXIII International Plekhanov Readings
- 28.05.2020 Natalia Ivanova made a report at a roundtable conference: B-67. Russia in the global production
- 20.02.2020 A conference - The modern economy: the concepts and the models of the innovative development
- 05.12.2019 The Institute of Russia was opened at the Tsinghua University, Beijin
- 18.07.2019 Educational intensive - The Island 10-22
- 23.05.2019 Symposium - Prospect of Russia and the dynamic of regions in the contexts of New industrial revolution
- 06.05.2019 Feodor Voitolovsky and Natalia Ivanova gave an interview to the newspaper “POISK”
- 06.12.2018 VIII All-Russian Congress of Political Scientists “The development policy, the government and the world order”
- 27.08.2018 VI International Forum of Technological Development - Technoprom - 2018
- 15.03.2018 Meeting of the Debate club “Nodes of economic policy”
- 13.09.2017 Academician Natalya Ivanova was awarded
- 13.04.2017 Report by Academician Natalya Ivanova
- 10.04.2017 Meeting of the partners of the Energy Delta Institute
- 04.04.2017 Press-conference in the TASS
- 01.07.2013 IMEMO took part in 3rd Global Think Tanks Summit in China
- 27.09.2012 «Russia in the Polycentric World»
- 27.06.2011 Presents the «Strategic global forecast 2030»
- 22.03.2024 Seminar "Prospects for the Development of Oil and Gas Reserves in the Russian Arctic"
- 21.02.2024 Meeting of the Scientific-Theoretical Seminar of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies
- 14.02.2024 Seminar "Forecasting and Management"
- 26.01.2024 Seminar "Scenarios for Long-Term Development of Global Energy"
- 27.12.2023 Seminar "Russia's Movement towards Carbon Neutrality: Forks in the Roadmaps"
- 14.11.2023 Seminar "Financial and Social Aspects of the Global Climate Agenda ahead of the UN Climate Conference – 2023"
- 11.07.2023 Seminar "Technological Gap on the Way of Decarbonization of the Russian Economy. Scale and Ways of Overcoming"
- 31.05.2023 Meeting of the Theoretical Seminar named after Academician Vladlen Martynov
- 10.04.2023 Meeting of the Theoretical Seminar named after by Academician Vladlen Martynov
- 15.03.2023 Meeting of the Theoretical Seminar named after by Academician Vladlen Martynov
- 10.03.2023 Seminar “Low-Carbon Future: Greenhouse Gas Absorption Potential in Russian Forests and Land Use”
- 06.03.2023 Meeting of the Scientific and Theoretical Seminar of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies
- 27.12.2022 Seminar "Decarbonization of Global and Russian Industry and Low-Carbon Regulation"
- 30.11.2022 Seminar "Oil and Gas Policy in the Middle East”
- 27.10.2022 Seminar "Climate Policy versus Energy Security”
- 30.09.2022 Seminar "Perspectives for Energy Relations between Russia and Europe”
- 07.06.2022 A roundtable conference “The new quantum race. The state policy and the corporate efforts. The global experience”
- 25.05.2022 A meeting of the theoretical seminar n.a. Academician V.A. Martynov
- 01.10.2021 BP Statistical Review of World Energy
- 10.06.2020 a meeting of the theoretical seminar n.a. Academician V.A. Martynov
- 23.04.2020 There was a meeting of the Coordination Council for the Study of the innovative development of China and the Russian-Chinese cooperation
- 04.03.2020 There was a meeting of the Coordination Council for the Study of the innovative development of China and the Russian-Chinese cooperation of the DGPaIR of RAS
- 28.02.2020 A seminar - Russia, The UK and the world on the course of the low-carbon development
- 27.01.2020 A meeting of the Coordination Council for the Study of the Innovative Development of China and Russia-China Cooperation
- 09.12.2019 A meeting of the theoretical seminar named after Academician V.A. Martynov
- 14.11.2019 Coordination Council on the Innovation Development of China Research and Russia-China Cooperation for the Department on the Global Problems and International Relations of the RAS
- 05.11.2019 Seminar - Energy Transition: the risks into the opportunities
- 03.06.2019 A meeting of the theoretical seminar n.a. Academician V.A. Martynov
- 27.03.2019 Presentation of the World Energy Outlook up to the year 2040 by the company BR
- 28.02.2019 Seminar “The climate agreements and the energy: the impacts on Russia”
- 11.02.2019 À meeting of the theoretical seminar n.a. Academician V.A. Martynov
- 21.01.2019 Presentation of the U.N. Report “The world economic situation and the prospects 2019”
- 25.10.2018 A seminar “The oil production in the context of the increasing prices”
- 08.10.2018 Theoretical Seminar named after Academician V. A. Martynov
- 24.09.2018 Third meeting of the Working Group of the Scientific Coordination Council of the Russian Federation on the priorities of the strategy of scientific and technological development
- 20.09.2018 The Presentation of BP Statistical Review of World Energy
- 03.07.2018 Strategic meeting of the National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» and the IMEMO
- 25.05.2018 International Seminar
- 05.04.2018 The Presentation of “The Forecast for the global energy transition out to 2040” (BP Energy Outlook)
- 05.02.2018 The theoretical seminar named after Academician V. Martynov
- 31.01.2018 The presentation of the ranking of the leading analytical centers «Global Go To Think Tank Index»
- 22.12.2017 Seminar «Digital economy: Theory and Practice»
- 18.12.2017 The meeting of the theoretical seminar named after V.A. Martynov
- 14.12.2017 Seminar «The oil prices: the factors and the trends»
- 10.10.2017 Seminar «The European energy civilization: the potential and the prospects of the development»
- 02.10.2017 The international seminar «The issues of the international security in the context of the Russia-USA relations»
- 13.09.2017 A meeting of the Theoretical Seminar named after Academician V. Martynov
- 23.06.2017 There was a Forum “Oil and Gas Dialogue” of the IMEMO
- 07.06.2017 There is a seminar of the Center for European Studies
- 29.05.2017 A meeting of the theoretical seminar named after Academician V.A. Martynov
- 13.04.2017 Seminar on the topic “The global market of the liquefied natural gas: the trends and the prognoses”
- 27.03.2017 There was a discussion-seminar on the work of Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps
- 21.02.2017 Joint seminar “The oil sector in Russia: the characteristics of development and the prospects”
- 07.02.2017 Presentation of the Energy Outlook 2035 (BP Energy Outlook)
- 14.12.2016 There is a meeting of the Scientific Council
- 09.12.2016 Conference “The conception of the smart specialization in the regional and the innovational policy
- 10.11.2016 The Forum “Oil and Gas Dialogue”
- 14.10.2016 The Seminar “The Infrastructure of the European gas market: realities and perspectives”
- 10.06.2016 Presentation of the anniversary 65th Statistical Review of World Energy - 2016
- 13.05.2016 Seminar - Skolkovo: six years of practical experience in the development of innovations in Russia
- 25.04.2016 Presentation of the joint report of the Primakov Institute and Atlantic Council
- 23.03.2016 “The Forecast of the world energy development up to year 2035”
- 11.02.2016 Seminar
- 28.10.2015 “Russian Economy yesterday, today, tomorrow”
- 21.10.2015 «Low world oil prices and their impact on the Russian economy and oil and gas sector»
- 28.08.2015 Meeting with delegation of the Library of Kazakhstan President
- 22.06.2015 ‘The results of the global economy in 2014 and prospects for 2015’
- 18.06.2015 «The Grand chessboard: the birth of a New World»
- 26.05.2015 Round table on the theme
- 20.04.2015 Conference
- 10.04.2015 Report
- 30.03.2015 «The idea of «a century of stagnation»: three versions»»
- 17.03.2015 «The gas market in South-Eastern and Central Europe in the emerging Southern Gas Corridor»
- 12.03.2015 Atlantic Council – IMEMO Joint Workshop
- 10.02.2015 «The New Role of OPEC: Prices and Production»
- 28.11.2014 Challenges of Arctic Oil and Gas
- 11.11.2014 Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA): economic prospects and possible policy measures
- 29.10.2014 The world economy: new results of the comparisons
- 26.09.2014 Russia-China oil and gas cooperation: risks and opportunities
- 03.07.2014 Evaluating the effectiveness of public support for extractive industries in the world
- 17.06.2014 Statistical Review of World Energy - 2014
- 16.06.2014 The results of the global economy in 2013 and prospects for 2014
- 22.05.2014 The main outlines of electric power development in the world
- 27.06.2013 «The new balance of world Energy»
- 26.06.2013 «The results of the global economy in 2012 and prospects for 2013»
- 18.06.2013 «Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 BP»
- 21.05.2013 «Russian gas to the Chinese market»
- 26.04.2013 «Who determines the world price of oil?»
- 22.11.2012 International conference «Economics of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency: experiences and opportunities for business and politicians»
- 06.11.2012 «The Privatization of the Russian Oil Industry: Results and Prospects (to the 20th anniversary of the Presidential Decree ¹ 1403)»
- 02.10.2012 «Shale Oil: a new challenge for Russia?»
- 18.06.2012 «Statistical Review of World Energy BP – 2012»
- 12.04.2012 «The anniversary of the “Arab Spring»: the Middle East, OPEC and international energy markets»
- 20.02.2012 «Comparative Analysis of Subsidizing the Oil and Gas»
- 03.02.2012 A presentation of World Energy Outlook 2030, prepared by BP Group
- 06.12.2011 «Conditions of Use of Subsurface Resources on the Continental Shelf: Norway and Russia»
- 28.10.2011 The International conference «The Economics of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency: Experience and Opportunities for Business and Politicians»
- 22.06.2011 «The volatility in world oil prices - a threat to the budget process»
- Ðàçðàáîòêà ìåòîäîâ ìåæäèñöèïëèíàðíîãî àíàëèçà ðàçâèòèÿ è îöåíêè âîñòðåáîâàííîñòè «ïðîðûâíûõ» òåõíîëîãèé (íà ïðèìåðå ïåðåäîâûõ ïðîèçâîäñòâåííûõ òåõíîëîãèé è «èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé» ýëåêòðîýíåðãåòèêè) (2015-2016)
- 03.12.2020 Natalia Ivanova – the guest of the program "Great Science of Russia" on the OTR channel
- 22.09.2020 Natalia Ivanova in the program «Meetings with the editor» on the TV BRICS
- 15.02.2018 IX International scientific-practical conference: «Ñontemporary economy: conceptions and models of innovative development»
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