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- The Scientific Council
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- History of the Institute
- Center for International Security
- First Day
- 12.02.2025 Article by Alexey Arbatov on RIAC website
- 05.12.2024 X All-Russian Congress of Political Scientists with International Participation “Russia in a Polycentric World Order: Challenges and New Development Paradigms”
- 28.08.2024 Article by Alexey Arbatov on the website of “Polis” magazine
- 21.06.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov on RIAC website
- 18.06.2024 Press Conference on the “Primakov Readings” Forum
- 28.11.2023 Roundtable “Crisis of the System of International Legal Agreements on Arms Control and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction”
- 17.05.2023 XIV Arbatov Readings
- 15.03.2023 International Conference “The End of Strategic Nuclear Arms Control? Future of New START?”
- 16.02.2023 Roundtable “40 Years of the US Strategic Defense Initiative. The militarization of space as one of the most pressing issues of international security”
- 20.10.2022 International Conference “Sixty Years of the Cuban Missile Crisis: Lessons for the 21st Century”
- 23.06.2021 The international online seminar «New START – the next steps»
- 07.06.2021 The international online conference «Prospects for US-Russia Strategic Stability»
- 12.05.2021 Alexey Arbatov and Dmitry Stefanovich are the authors of the chapters of the book of the publishing house Ibidem Press
- 27.04.2021 The Federation Council Committee on International Affairs
- 16.03.2021 The conference «The Third Bomb and How to Prevent It»
- 24.12.2020 A series of joint meetings of the PIR Center and the The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, The USA)
- 01.05.2020 Russian and American experts commented on the meaning and the prospects of the START
- 15.01.2020 The yearbook - Security and Arms Control 2017–2018: Overcoming the Imbalance of the International Stability - was awarded a 1st degree diploma
- 05.12.2019 An appeal of the American and Russian participants of the Dartmouth Conference to the governments of their countries
- 30.05.2019 Articles by Irina Semenenko and Alexey Arbatov in the journal Polis. Political Studies
- 02.03.2018 An article by Alexey Arbatov and Vladimir Dvorkin was published on the RIAC website
- 15.01.2018 The report of the Center for Strategic Research, dedicated to the anniversary of Woodrow Wilson’s «Fourteen Points»
- 07.11.2017 Meeting of the Committees on International Security and Arms Control of RAS and NAS
- 09.10.2017 10th Anniversary Conference of the International Luxemburg Forum on the Prevention Nuclear Catastrophe
- 10.09.2017 Academician Alexey Arbatov took part in the program “Itogi nedeli” on the NTV channel
- 06.06.2017 Trilateral meeting of Russian, Japanese and American experts
- 29.03.2017 An article by Academician Alexey Arbatov is in journal Survival
- 06.12.2016 Meeting of the Supervisory Board of the International Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe
- 02.12.2016 There is Academician Alexey Arbatov report on the Primakov readings
- 13.10.2011 35th meeting of the committees on international security and arms control o fthe Russian Academy of Sciences and the US National Academy of Sciences
- 27.06.2011 Presents the «Strategic global forecast 2030»
- 07.04.2011 Presentation of the Russian edition of SIPRI Yearbook 2009
- 24.02.2025 Seminar “Nuclear Disarmament: the End of History?”
- 25.11.2024 Master Ñlass for young scientists and postgraduates of IMEMO on the topic “Situational Analysis of the New Conflict in the Middle East”
- 22.10.2024 Roundtable “Actual Problems of International Security”
- 25.06.2024 X Annual International Forum "Primakov Readings"
- 13.06.2024 Conference “New World Order and Technological Revolution”
- 05.06.2024 Seminar on the use of nuclear technologies in space for military and dual-use problems
- 23.05.2024 Scientific and Practical Seminar “Nuclear Deterrence in a Polycentric World”
- 15.05.2024 Presentation of the first issue of the annual publication “Strategic Review 2023”
- 03.04.2024 Seminar “The Impact of the Accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO on the Strategic Security of the Russian Federation”
- 19.02.2024 Seminar "Multilateral Nuclear World"
- 06.12.2022 The 8th Annual Forum "Primakov Readings”
- 03.11.2022 Presentation of the 2021 SIPRI Yearbook and Conference “Arms Control and International Security 2022”
- 23.11.2021 Presentation of the 2020 SIPRI Yearbook in IMEMO (Moscow)
- 08.07.2021 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of India gave a speech at the IMEMO
- 22.06.2021 International Expert Meeting
- 24.03.2021 A meeting of the Scientific Council of the IMEMO
- 25.02.2021 International online conference “Moral Responsibility of a Scientist”
- 29.10.2020 International Presentation of the 2019 SIPRI Yearbook Dedicated to the Intellectual Legacy of Academician Andrei Sakharov
- 29.10.2020 Joint project of the IMEMO and the INTERFAX “Russia and the World: the professional conversation”
- 29.05.2020 The first online session of «Primakov Readings»
- 18.12.2019 A meeting of the Scientific Council under the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
- 18.11.2019 A workshop of the Center for International Security
- 17.10.2019 Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2018
- 16.09.2019 The delegation of the leading research centers of New Zealand visited the IMEMO
- 18.10.2018 IMEMO presented the Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2017 ‘Armaments, Disarmament and International Security’
- 11.07.2018 Seminar of the Center for International Security under the direction of Academician Alexey Arbatov
- 26.03.2018 Seminar “Russia after the Presidential Elections: Continuity or Innovations?”
- 08.11.2017 Seminar «Possible Terms of the Russia-West Detente?»
- 18.10.2017 Conference of young researchers of the Center for International Security
- 03.10.2017 Presentation of the Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2016
- 20.04.2017 Presentation of the book «Preventing the Crisis of Nuclear Arms Control and Catastrophic Terrorism»
- 27.12.2016 Presentation of the anniversary issue of the yearbook “The Security and The Arms Control”
- 14.12.2016 There is a meeting of the Scientific Council
- 12.12.2016 Seminar “European Security under the avalanche of crises”
- 10.10.2016 Seminar “The Brexit Precedent and Russia’s Interests”
- 29.09.2016 The presentation of the Russian edition of SIPRI Yearbook 2016
- 20.06.2016 The international seminar “The restraint and the dialogue: strengthening of the European security and the arms control”
- 27.10.2015 Meeting of Russian Pugwash Committee’s members and Institite research staff with members of BRICS countries’ Pugwash Committees
- 26.10.2015 “Counter-Terrorism Fight of Russia and the West: A United Front or a New Apple of Discord?”
- 24.09.2015 The presentation the Russian version of SIPRI Yearbook 2014
- 13.07.2015 Joint Seminar IMEMO - Atlantic Council
- 01.06.2015 First joint seminar
- 16.02.2015 Seminar “Religion and State in Russia and Europe”
- 22.12.2014 “Russia and Europe: traditional values”
- 26.08.2014 The results of the work of Russian-American group
- 10.07.2014 Russian version of SIPRI Yearbook 2013 presentation
- 21.04.2014 “Dilemma of the Postbipolar Europe: territorial integrity or nations’ right for self-determination”
- 17.02.2014 Seminar “Russian Intelligentsia and State: The Unity and Struggle of Opposites”
- 16.12.2013 Discussion Forum “European Dialogues”
- 21.10.2013 «Russia’s Asian Pivot: a Vector of Domestic or Foreign Policy?»
- 17.10.2013 «Middle East: Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons»
- 28.03.2013 International Conference
- 18.02.2013 «Domestic Drivers of Russian Foreign Policy»
- 19.12.2011 Discussion Forum «European Dialogues»
- 26.10.2011 Round table «Iraqi Kurdistan today – whether the model of its self-determination is applicable in post-Soviet space»
- 17.05.2007 Presentation of the Russian edition of the WMDC report «Weapons of Terror. Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons»
- 02.02.2006 International workshop
- Ðîññèÿ è ìíîãîñòîðîííåå âçàèìîäåéñòâèå â áîðüáå ñ íîâûìè óãðîçàìè ìåæäóíàðîäíîé áåçîïàñíîñòè (âîåííî-ïîëèòè÷åñêèå àñïåêòû) (2011-2013)
- Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ «Ñòðàòåãè÷åñêèé ãëîáàëüíûé ïðîãíîç 2035» (2016-2016)
- Ïåðñïåêòèâû êîíòðîëÿ íàä âîîðóæåíèÿìè â óñëîâèÿõ äåéñòâèÿ íîâûõ âîåííî-ïîëèòè÷åñêèõ è òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ôàêòîðîâ (2018-2020)
- 19.11.2024 Commentary by Alexey Arbatov on the RTVI website
- 07.11.2024 Interview with Victoria Zhuravleva and Alexey Arbatov for “Interfax” News Agency
- 24.10.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov for “Moskovsky Komsomolets”
- 26.09.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov for “Komsomolskaya Pravda”
- 19.09.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov on “Fontanka.ru” website
- 15.09.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov for “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”
- 13.09.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov in the “Komsomolskaya Pravda” newspaper
- 01.06.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov for “Interfax” news agency
- 01.06.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov for RBC
- 22.04.2024 Interview with Alexey Arbatov for “Kommersant” Publishing House
- 29.10.2023 Interview with Alexey Arbatov to “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”
- 21.06.2023 Article by Alexey Arbatov, Konstantin Bogdanov and Dmitry Stefanovich for “Kommersant” Publishing House
- 09.04.2023 Interview with Alexey Arbatov for “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”
- 09.02.2023 Interview by Alexey Arbatov for “Kommersant” Publishing House
- 05.02.2023 Interview of Alexey Arbatov for the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”
- 11.11.2022 Interview of Alexey Arbatov and Victoria Zhuravleva for “Interfax” News Agency
- 29.09.2022 Article by Alexey Arbatov at “RTVI”
- 28.10.2021 A presentation of the SIPRI Yearbook 2020 “Arms, disarmament and international security”
- 16.08.2018 Alexey Arbatov made a statement to RIA Novosti
- 13.03.2023 Interview with Alexey Arbatov within the framework of the PIR Center project "Nuclear Nonproliferation: History in faces"
- 09.02.2022 Alexey Arbatov in the program «Lukavaya CIfra» on the Echo of Moscow Radio
- 11.01.2022 Alexey Arbatov in the program "In the circle of light" on the Echo of Moscow Radio
- 10.05.2021 Alexey Arbatov in the program «Full Albats» on the Echo of Moscow Radio
- 15.02.2020 Alexey Arbatov is a guest of the program «Bolshaya Igra» («The Big Game») on the 1st TV channel
- 30.09.2022 Second Issue of the “IMEMO Laboratory” Podcast
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