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Vladimir Olenchenko
Cand.of Science (Law)
Senior Researcher
Section of European Countries’ Economy
Staff Member
Center for European Studies
Senior Researcher
Section of European Countries’ Economy
Staff Member
Center for European Studies
Ñontact Information | +7 (499) 128-3714
- graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Department for international economic relations (1973)
- Cand.of Science (Law) (2002)
Field of research: Baltic countries; finance and economy of East European and Baltic countries; regional economic developments.
Researsh projects:
- Crises in Eurozone and its impact on East European and Baltic countries,
- Development of “East Partnership” program during Lithuanian presidency in the EU.
Pedagogical activity:
- 2013–2015 – lecturing and conducting seminars at the International Law Institute operating under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, where he was a part-time teacher at the Department of Management, Public and Municipal Administration.
Author of more than 50 articles in leading Russian scientific journals.
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