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Daria Osinina
Junior Research Fellow
Section for Central Asia
Staff Member
Center for post-Soviet Studies
Section for Central Asia
Staff Member
Center for post-Soviet Studies
Ñontact Information | +7 (499) 553-1337
- Bachelor's degree – Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Political Science, specialization “Political analysis of Economic Processes”) (2013–2017);
- Master's degree – Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, (Political Science, program “Political and economic foundations of sustainability of modern states”) (2017–2019);
- Master's degree – University of Glasgow (Scotland, UK), International Relations (studying under the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation to study abroad) (2020–2021);
- Postgraduate studies – Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, (direction “Political Institutions, Processes, Technologies”) (2019–2022).
Fields of scientific interests:
- International relations, post-Soviet space, Central Asia;
- Elitology, elites of Central Asia;
- Domestic political processes in the countries of Central Asia.
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